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Each quarter Legal Studies approves courses taught throughout the University as electives that will count towards the major and minor requirements.

See below for lists of approved classes for the academic year through Fall 2024

Elective Lists

If a course listed here is an approved course for another major or minor you're pursuing, be sure to consult the double-counting rules: Weinberg College double-counting rules, and Double-counting for non-Weinberg students.

Being listed as an approved Legal Studies elective does not come with enrollment permissions for Legal Studies students. Some departments' courses have prerequisites or are closed to non-majors. CAESAR will detail any such restrictions.

Elective Petition

If you believe that a class not included in our lists has sufficient legal content and should be considered as a Legal Studies elective, please complete the petition for elective credit. Once submitted, the petition will undergo review by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Petitions should be submitted during the quarter the student is enrolled in the course and are considered on a case-by-case basis.


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Elective Courses

Note that courses are subject to change.

The list for the next upcoming quarter will be updated during the week of pre-registration.

Fall 2024 Electives

AF_AM ST/BLK_ST  213 History of the Black World (also HIST 200 sec 24) 2024 Fall Electives
AF_AM/BLK_ST 315 Religion, Culture and Resistance in the Caribbean (sec. 20, also RELIGION 379-20, and LATIN_AM 391-2) 2024 Fall Electives
AMER ST 310 Fear of Robots (sec 10, also LEGAL_ST 376 sec 22) 2024 Fall Electives
ANTHRO 290 American Suburbs: Race, Class, and Placemaking (sec.1) 2024 Fall Electives
ANTHRO 382 Political Ecology (also ENVR_POL 384-0-20) 2024 Fall Electives
ASIAN AM 210 Introduction to Asian American Studies 2024 Fall Electives
ASIAN AM 303 Advanced Topics in Sociol and Cultural Analysis: Asian American Politics and  Representation  2024 Fall Electives
ASIAN AM 360 Studies in Race, Gender and Sexuality: Sex Work in Asian America (formerly ASIAN_AM 380, cannot get credit for both) 2024 Fall Electives
ASIAN LC 240 Introductory Topics in Korean Literature and Culture: Colonial Korean Literature and Culture (also COMP_LIT 205-0-20) 2024 Fall Electives
ASIAN LC 322 Art and Activism in Modern Japan (sec. 20) 2024 Fall Electives
CFS 394 Legal Field Studies 2024 Fall Electives
CFS 397 Field Studies in Civic Engagement 2024 Fall Electives
CIV ENV 303 Environmental Law and Policy 2024 Fall Electives
CIV ENV 368 Sustainability: The City 2024 Fall Electives
COMM ST 205 Theories of Persuasion  2024 Fall Electives
COMM ST 315 Rhetoric of Social Movements 2024 Fall Electives
COMM ST 340 Community Integration of Labeled People 2024 Fall Electives
COMP_LIT 240 Reading Difference: Colonial Korean Literature and Culture (also ASIAN_LC 240) 2024 Fall Electives
ECON 324 Western Economic History 2024 Fall Electives
ECON 325 Economic Growth and Development 2024 Fall Electives
ECON 326 The Economics of Developing Countries 2024 Fall Electives
ECON 337 Economics of State and Local Governments 2024 Fall Electives
ECON 339 Labor Economics 2024 Fall Electives
ECON 342 Economics of Gender 2024 Fall Electives
ECON 350 Monopoly Competition & Public Policy 2024 Fall Electives
ECON 323-2 Economic History of the United States 1865 to Present 2024 Fall Electives
ENGLISH 382 Law and Literature (formerly the same as ENG 385 cannot get credit for both classes) 2024 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 337 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (also GBL HLTH 337) 2024 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 338 Environmental Justice (also GBL_HLTH 338-0-1) 2024 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 384 Political Ecology (also ANTHRO 382-0-20) 2024 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 390 Special Topics in Envi Policy: Contemporary Issues in Energy (sec 22) 2024 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics 2024 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 337 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (also ENVR_POL 337) 2024 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 338 Environmental Justice (also  ENVR_POL 338-0-1) 2024 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 390 International Public Health (sec. 21, also PUB_HLTH 390) 2024 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 235 Beyond the Binary: Transgender & Race  2024 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 331 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality (also SOCIOL 356-0-20) 2024 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 340 Gender, Sexuality and the Law (also LEGAL_ST 340) 2024 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 381 Queer Theory 2024 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 390 Topics in Gender and Sexuality Studies: Deportation Law and Politics (sec 22 only) 2024 Fall Electives
HISTORY 200 Red Power: Indigenous Resistance in the US and Canada (sec. 22, also HUM 260-22) 2024 Fall Electives
HISTORY 200 History of the Black World (sec. 24 also BLK_ST 213) 2024 Fall Electives
HISTORY 221 Famous American Trials (also LEGAL_ST 221) 2024 Fall Electives
HISTORY 305 American Immigration (also LEGAL ST 305) 2024 Fall Electives
HISTORY 201-1 Europe in the Medieval and Early Modern World 2024 Fall Electives
HISTORY 315-3 The United States Since 1900: Late 20th Century to the Present 2024 Fall Electives
HUM 260 Red Power: Indigenous Resistance in the US and Canada (sec. 22, also HIST 200 sec 24) 2024 Fall Electives
IEMS 303 Statistics  2024 Fall Electives
IMC 306 Strategic Communications 2024 Fall Electives
JOUR 302 Propaganda, Persuasion & Journalism (sec. 21) 2024 Fall Electives
JOUR 302 Watergate's Legacy: The Press and the Presidency (sec. 23) 2024 Fall Electives
JOUR 352 Politics, Media, and the Republic 2024 Fall Electives
JOUR 370 Media Law & Ethics secs 21 and 22 2024 Fall Electives
JOUR 384 Covering Washington DC As a Mobile Journalist 2024 Fall Electives
JOUR 390 Social Justice Reporting in Chicago 2024 Fall Electives
LATIN_AM 391 Religion, Culture and Resistance in the Caribbean (sec. 2, also RELIGION 379-20, and BLK_ST 315-20) 2024 Fall Electives
LATINO 201 Introduction to Latina and Latino Studies 2024 Fall Electives
LATINO 222 Latino/Latina Youth in U. S. Cities 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  206 Law and Society (also SOCIOL 206) 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  221 Famous American Trials (also HIST 221) 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  276 Introductory Topics in Legal Studies: Law and Popular Culture 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  305 American Immigration (also HIST 305) 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  308 Sociology of Law (also SOCIOL 318) 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  332 Constitutional Law I (also POLI_SCI 332) 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  340 Gender, Sexuality and the Law (also GNDR_ST 340) 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  376 Topics in Legal Studies: Policing Protest sec 20 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  376 Topics in Legal Studies: Fear of Robots (sec 22, also AM_ST 310) 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  376 Topics in Legal Studies: Deportation Law and Politics (sec 23, also POLI_SCI 307) 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  101-7 First-Year College Seminar: Investigating Representations in True Crime 2024 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST  398-1 Advanced Research Seminar 1 2024 Fall Electives
LRN SCI 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also MS ED 402-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2024 Fall Electives
MMSS 211-1 Social Science Theories & Meth-First Yr (sec. 1) 2024 Fall Electives
MS ED 402 Social Contexts of Education (also LRN SCI 302-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2024 Fall Electives
PHIL 110 Introduction to Philosophy 2024 Fall Electives
PHIL 221 Gender, Politics, and Philosophy (sec. 20, also  GNDR ST 233-0-20) 2024 Fall Electives
PHIL 262 Ethical Problems and Public Issues 2024 Fall Electives
PHIL 361 Topics in the Social and Political Philosophy sec 20, (also PHIL 21 cannot receive credit for both) 2024 Fall Electives
PHIL 361 Topics in the Social and Political Philosophy sec 21, (also PHIL 20 cannot receive credit for both) 2024 Fall Electives
PHIL 273-1 The Brady Scholars Program: The Moral Life (this class was formerly 273-2; cannot receive credit for both) 2024 Fall Electives
PHIL 373-1 The Brady Scholars Program The Civically Engaged Life: The Good Work 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 201 Intro to Political Theory 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 220 American Government and Politics 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 250 Intro to Comparative Politics 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 307 Deportation Law and Politics (also LEGAL_ST 376 sec 23) 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 320 The American Presidency 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 321 Urban Politics 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 323 Public Opinion and Voting Behavior 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 325 Congress and the Legislative Processes 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 332 Constitutional Law I (also LEGAL ST 332) 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 336 Immigration Politics and Policy   2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 344 U.S. Foreign Policy 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 359 Politics of Africa 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 383 War and Change in International Politics 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 390 Integrity and the Politics of Corruption sec 22 2024 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 390 Press and Presidential Elections sec 25 2024 Fall Electives
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology 2024 Fall Electives
RELIGION 379 Religion, Culture and Resistance in the Caribbean (sec. 20, also LATIN_AM 391-0-20 and AF_AM) 2024 Fall Electives
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation 2024 Fall Electives
SOC POL 333 Economics of Health, Human Capital, and Happiness 2024 Fall Electives
SOC POL 351 Social Opportunity and Educational Policy (sec. 20) 2024 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 110 Introduction to Sociology 2024 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 206 Law and Society (also LEGAL ST 206) 2024 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 208 Race and Society 2024 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 215 Economy and Society 2024 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 307 School and Society 2024 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 318 Sociology of Law (also LEGAL ST 308) 2024 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 356 Sociology of Gender 2024 Fall Electives
STAT 210 Intro to Probability & Stats 2024 Fall Electives
TEACH ED 302 Social Contexts of Education (also LRN SCI 302-0-20, MS ED 402-0-20) 2024 Fall Electives

Spring 2024 Electives

AMER ST 310 Natural Disasters (sec. 4, also ENVR POL 390-0-22) 2024 Spring Electives
AMER ST 310 Studies in American Culture (sec. 3, Topic: Reality TV and Legal Theory , also Legal_ST 376-0-22) 2024 Spring Electives
AMER_ST 310 “The Chicago Way”: Urban Spaces and American Value sec 1 (also ENGLISH 378-22) 2024 Spring Electives
ANTHRO 242 Porous Borders? Geography, Power and Techniques of Movement (also MENA 290-3-1) 2024 Spring Electives
ANTHRO 390 Race Across Time in Latin America (sec. 36, also  INTL ST 390-0-1) 2024 Spring Electives
ASIAN AM 216 Global Asians (also HISTORY 216-0-20) 2024 Spring Electives
ASIAN LC 240 Introductory Topics in Korean Literature and Culture: Colonial Korean Literature and Culture (also COMP_LIT 205-0-20) 2024 Spring Electives
BLK_ST 212-1 Intro to African American History: Key Concepts from 1700 to 1861 2024 Spring Electives
CFS 394 Legal Field Studies 2024 Spring Electives
CFS 397 Field Studies in Civic Engagement 2024 Spring Electives
CIV_ENV 308 Environmental Justice 2024 Spring Electives
CLASSICS 212 Rome: Culture and Empire 2024 Spring Electives
COMM ST 380 Political Communication 2024 Spring Electives
COMP LIT 202 Gender & Revolution in Soviet Russian Culture (sec. 11, also SLAVIC sec 11-1-1) 2024 Spring Electives
COMP LIT 205 Intro to Feminist Theory (sec 20, also GNDR ST 233 and PHIL 221) 2024 Spring Electives
COMP SCI 260 Introduction to Law and Digital Technologies (sec. 1) 2024 Spring Electives
DSGN 350 Intellectual Property and Innovation: Innovation & Invention (sec. 20) 2024 Spring Electives
ECON 324 Western Economic History 2024 Spring Electives
ECON 325 Economic Growth and Development 2024 Spring Electives
ECON 326 The Economics of Developing Countries 2024 Spring Electives
ECON 337 Economics of State and Local Governments 2024 Spring Electives
ECON 339 Labor Economics 2024 Spring Electives
ECON 323-2 Economic History of the United States 1865 to Present 2024 Spring Electives
ENGLISH 378 Studies in American Literature: “The Chicago Way”: Urban Spaces and American Value sec 22 (also AMER_ST 310-70) 2024 Spring Electives
ENGLISH 381 Literature and Medicine: Medicine, Race and Gender  2024 Spring Electives
ENGLISH 385 Law and Literature 2024 Spring Electives
ENVR POL 337 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (also GBL HLTH 337-0) 2024 Spring Electives
ENVR POL 390 Natural Disasters (sec. 22, also AMER ST 310-0-4) 2024 Spring Electives
ENVR POL 390 International Wildlife Law and Policy (sec. 23, also POLI_SCI 390-34) 2024 Spring Electives
ENVR POL 390 Special Topics in Envi Policy: Water in Arid Lands: Israel and the Middle East sec 27 (also JWSH_ST 390-1) 2024 Spring Electives
GBL HLTH 325 History of Reproductive Health 2024 Spring Electives
GBL HLTH 337 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (also ENVR_POL 337) 2024 Spring Electives
GERMAN 248 Learning Diversity: Germany and Global Migration (sec. 1) 2024 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 233 Intro to Feminist Philosophy (sec. 20, also COMP LIT 205 and PHIL 221 sec 20) 2024 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 321 Gender, Sexuality and History: Gender, War and Revolution in the 20th Century (sec. 20. also HIST 340-20) 2024 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 324 U.S. Gay and Lesbian History (also HIST 324) 2024 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 332 Gender, Sexuality, and Health Reproductive Health/Politics/Justice sec 21 2024 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 351 Gender, Sexuality, and the Carceral State (also LEGAL ST 383 formerly LEGAL_ST 376) 2024 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 390 Latinx Feminisms (sec. 20, also LATINO 393-0-5) 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 216 Global Asians (sec. 20, also ASIAN AM 216-0-20) 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 300 Red Power: Indigenous Resistance in the US and Canada (sec. 30, also HUM 370-4-20) 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 324 U.S. Gay and Lesbian History (also GNDR_ST 324) 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 340 Gender, War, and Revolution in the 20th Century (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 321-0-20) 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 343 Modern Italy 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 395 Holocaust Trials (sec 23, also LEGAL_ST 376 sec 23) 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 201-1 Europe in the Medieval and Early Modern World 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 212-1 Introduction to African-American History: Key concepts from 1700-1861 (also  BLK_ST 212-1-20) 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 250-2 Global History: The Modern World 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 344-2 Germany Since 1945 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 385-2 History of Modern South Asia, ca. 1750-present 2024 Spring Electives
HISTORY 386-3 Southeast Asia: Decolonization and Independence (formerly History of Contemporary Southeast Asia since 1945- cannot get credit for both) 2024 Spring Electives
HUM 370-3 Environmental Justice in Modern South Asia (sec 21 also, ENVR_POL 390-0-20) 2024 Spring Electives
HUM 370-4 Red Power: Indigenous Resistance in the US and Canada (sec. 30, also HIST 300) 2024 Spring Electives
HUM 370-5 Integrity and the Politics of Corruption (sec. 20, also POLI SCI 390-0-20) 2024 Spring Electives
HUM 370-6 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 22, RTVF 377-0-20) 2024 Spring Electives
IEMS 303 Statistics 2024 Spring Electives
IMC 306 Strategic Communications 2024 Spring Electives
IMC 310 Integrated Marketing and Communication Law, Ethics and Technology 2024 Spring Electives
IMC 311 Data Governance: Critical Issues in Digital Marketing Communications (also, 414-20) 2024 Spring Electives
IMC 414 Data Governance: Critical Issues in Digital Marketing Communications (also, IMC  311) 2024 Spring Electives
INTL_ST 290 Topics in Int'l Studies: Foreign Aid and the U.S. Foreign Policy 2024 Spring Electives
ISEN 230 Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethical Dimensions 2024 Spring Electives
JOUR 301 Chicago Divided: North Side vs. South Side, Cubs v Sox (sec. 24) 2024 Spring Electives
JOUR 301 Police, Race, Politics and Community (sec. 26) 2024 Spring Electives
JOUR 301 Social Change and Urban Dynamics (sec. 29) 2024 Spring Electives
JOUR 301 Environmental Reporting in a High Stakes Climate (sec. 30) 2024 Spring Electives
JOUR 302 Propaganda, Persuasion & Journalism (sec. 23) 2024 Spring Electives
JOUR 302 Analyzing the History and Evolution (secs. 22) 2024 Spring Electives
JOUR 302 Media History: Power, Protest and Passion (sec. 20) 2024 Spring Electives
JOUR 370 Media Law & Ethics 2024 Spring Electives
JOUR 373 Medill Invetigative Lab: Investigative Journalism 2024 Spring Electives
JWSH_ST 390 Water in Arid Lands: Israel and the Middle East (sec. 1, also CIV_ENV 395-0-25 and ENVR_POL 390-0-27) 2024 Spring Electives
LATINO 393 Feminist Aesthetics of the Erotic (sec. 3; previously LATINO 392) 2024 Spring Electives
LATINO 393 Latinx Feminisms (sec. 5, also GNDR ST 390-0-20; previously LATINO 392) 2024 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 207 Legal Studies Research Methods (also, SOCIOL 227) 2024 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 376 Surveillance Policing and the Law (sec 21) 2024 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 376 Reality TV and Legal Theory (also AMER_ST 310-3) 2024 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 376 Holocaust Trials (sec 23, also HIST 395) 2024 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 383 Gender, Sexuality and the Carceral State (also, GNDR_ST 351) 2024 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 101-8 Race Terror: Sociolegal Readings of Race Horror Films 2024 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 394-LK-20 Lawyering: Education and Practice 2024 Spring Electives
MENA 290-3 Porous Borders? Geography, Power and Techniques of Movement (sec. 1, also, ANTHRO 242-1) 2024 Spring Electives
PHIL 221 Gender, Politics, and Philosophy (sec. 20, also COMP LIT 205-0-20, GNDR ST 233-0-20) 2024 Spring Electives
PHIL 261 Introduction to Political Philosophy 2024 Spring Electives
PHIL 269 Bioethics 2024 Spring Electives
PHIL 364 Business & Professional Ethics secs, 20 and 21 2024 Spring Electives
PHIL 273-3 The Brady Scholars Program: The Good Society 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 201 Introduction to Political Theory 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 220 American Government and Politics 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 230 Introduction to Law in the Political Arena 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 240 Introduction to International Relations 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 250 Introduction to Comparative Politics 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 303 Modernity and Its Discontents 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 320 The American Presidency 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 326 Race and Public Policy 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 327 African American Politics 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 344 U.S. Foreign Policy 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 359 Politics of Africa 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 383 War and Change in International Politics 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 389 Understanding Genocide (also SOCIOL 379-20) 2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 390 Integrity and the Politics of Corruption sec 20  2024 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 395 Black Political Thought (sec. 28) 2024 Spring Electives
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology 2024 Spring Electives
RTVF 377 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 20, also HUM 370-6-22) 2024 Spring Electives
SESP 323 Trauma and Atrocity: Holocaust Memory, Memorials and Museums 2024 Spring Electives
SLAVIC 211-1 Gender & Revolution in Soviet Russian Culture (sec. 1, also COMP LIT 202-11) 2024 Spring Electives
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation 2024 Spring Electives
SOC POL 313 Race, Inequality, and the Political Analysis of Public Policy (sec. 20) 2024 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 110 Introduction to Sociology 2024 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 227 Legal Studies Research Methods (also LEGAL_ST 207) 2024 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 276 Neighborhoods and Crime 2024 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations 2024 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 306 Sociological Theory 2024 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 310 Sociology of the Family 2024 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 379 Understanding Genocide (also, POLI_SCI 389-20) 2024 Spring Electives
STAT 210 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences 2024 Spring Electives
THEATRE 347 Latinx Theatre (previously THEATRE 375 Latin Theatre) 2024 Spring Electives

Winter 2024 Electives

Department Course Number Course Title Quarter Offered
ANTHRO 378 Law and Culture 2024 Winter Electives
ASIAN AM 210 Introduction to Asian American Studies 2024 Winter Electives
ASIAN AM 392 Seminar in Asian American Studies: Asian American Civil Rights 2024 Winter Electives
BLK_ST 245 The Black Diaspora and Transnationality 2024 Winter Electives
BLK_ST 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (also HISTORY 212-2) 2024 Winter Electives
CFS 394 Legal Field Studies 2024 Winter Electives
CFS 397 Field Studies in Civic Engagement 2024 Winter Electives
CIV ENV 309 Climate Energy Law & Policy  2024 Winter Electives
COG SCI 202 Evaluating Evidence (also POLI SCI 212-0-20) 2024 Winter Electives
COMM ST 317 Voice, Violence, and Democracy 2024 Winter Electives
COMM ST 340 Community Integration of Labeled People  2024 Winter Electives
COMM ST 381 Media, Movements and Social Change (also SOCIOL 376 section 22) 2024 Winter Electives
COMM ST 324-1 Rhetoric of  U.S. Women's Rights, Colonial to 1920 2024 Winter Electives
COMP LIT 207 Introduction to Critical Theory (also, PHIL 220-0-20) 2024 Winter Electives
COMP SCI 396 Computing, Ethics, and Society (sec. 11) 2024 Winter Electives
ECON 325 Economic Growth and Development 2024 Winter Electives
ECON 326 The Economics of Developing Countries 2024 Winter Electives
ECON 362 International Finance 2024 Winter Electives
ECON 372 Environmental Economics 2024 Winter Electives
ECON  342-0 Economics of Gender 2024 Winter Electives
ENGLISH 385 Writing Gay Men's Lives (sec. 21, also GNDR ST 361-0-20) 2024 Winter Electives
ENVR_POL 390 Special Topics: Ocean Law and Policy (Sec 21, also LEGAL_ST  376-0-22 and POLI_SCI 390-0-25) 2024 Winter Electives
ENVR_POL 390 Special Topics: Climate Change Law and Policy (sec. 22, also LEGAL_ST 376-0-23 and POLI_SCI 390-0-26) 2024 Winter Electives
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics 2024 Winter Electives
GBL HLTH 309 Biomedicine and World History 2024 Winter Electives
GBL HLTH 325 History of Reproductive Health 2024 Winter Electives
GBL HLTH 390 Native Nations, Healthcare Systems, and U.S. Policy (sec. 23) 2024 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 331 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality (also SOCIOL 356-0-20) 2024 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 332 Gender, Sexuality and Health 2024 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 341 Transnational Perspectives on Gender/Sexuality  2024 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 353 Gender and Citizenship 2024 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 361 Writing Gay Men's Lives (sec. 20, also ENGLISH 385-0-21) 2024 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 381 Queer Theory 2024 Winter Electives
HISTORY 200 Global History of Prisons and Camps (sec.  36) 2024 Winter Electives
HISTORY 200 Christianity in Modern History (sec. 32) 2024 Winter Electives
HISTORY 286 World War II in Asia 2024 Winter Electives
HISTORY 305 American Immigration (combined with LEGAL ST 305) 2024 Winter Electives
HISTORY 319 History of US Foreign Relations 2024 Winter Electives
HISTORY 337 History of Modern Europe 2024 Winter Electives
HISTORY 349 The Holocaust  2024 Winter Electives
HISTORY 203-1 Jewish History 750-1492 2024 Winter Electives
HISTORY 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (also HISTORY 212-2) 2024 Winter Electives
HISTORY 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (also AF AM ST 212-2) 2024 Winter Electives
IEMS 303 Statistics 2024 Winter Electives
IMC 305 Analytics to Activation formerly titled Message Strategy and Persuasive Communications - will be accepted as either 2024 Winter Electives
IMC 310 IMC: Law, Ethics and Technology 2024 Winter Electives
JOUR 303 Framed: Media and the Marginalized (sec. 20) 2024 Winter Electives
JOUR 352 Politics, Media, and the Republic (sec. 20) 2024 Winter Electives
JOUR 353 Dilemmas of American Power (sec. 20, INTL_ST 390-0-20) 2024 Winter Electives
JOUR 370 Media Law & Ethics 2024 Winter Electives
JOUR 384 Covering Washington DC As a Mobile Journalist 2024 Winter Electives
JOUR 390 Social Justice Investigations Primer (sec. 20) 2024 Winter Electives
LATINO 392 Latino Politics (sec. 1, also POLI SCI 334) 2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 206 Law and Society (also SOCIOL 206) 2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 305 American Immigration (also HIST 305) 2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 315 Corporation in US Law and Culture  2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 333 Constitutional Law (also POLI_SCI 333) 2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 348 Race, Politics and the Law (also SOCIOL 348-0-48) 2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 376 Topics in Legal Studies: Moral Panics (sec 21) 2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 376 Topics in Legal Studies: Ocean Law and Policy (sec 22, also ENVR_POL 390-0-21) 2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 376 Topics in Legal Studies: Climate Change Law and Policy (sec. 23, also ENVR_POL 390-0-22) 2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 101-8-1 First-Year Writing Seminar: Environmental Writing: Regulation and Imagination 2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 101-8-2 First-Year Writing Seminar: Undocumented Americans 2024 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 398-2 Advanced Research Seminar II 2024 Winter Electives
LING 222 Language, Politics, & Identity (sec. 20, also SLAVIC 222) 2024 Winter Electives
LRN SCI 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec 21, also TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2024 Winter Electives
MS ED 402 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-21, TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2024 Winter Electives
PERF_ST 321 Performance, Sex and Censorship (also, RTVF 398-0-25) 2024 Winter Electives
PHIL 220 Introduction to Critical Theory (also, COMP_LIT 207-0-20) 2024 Winter Electives
PHIL 250 Elementary Logic II 2024 Winter Electives
PHIL 261 Introduction to Political Philosophy 2024 Winter Electives
PHIL 262 Ethical Problems and Public Issues 2024 Winter Electives
PHIL 326 Philosophy of Medicine 2024 Winter Electives
PHIL 273-1 The Brady Scholars Program: The Good Life 2024 Winter Electives
PHIL 373-2 The Brady Scholars Program: The Civically Engaged Life (sec. 1) 2024 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 212 Evaluating Evidence (sec. 20, also COG SCI 202-0-20) 2024 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 220 American Government and Politics 2024 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 333 Constitutional Law II: Civil and Political Rights (also, LEGAL_ST 333) 2024 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 334 Latino Politics (also LATINO 392-0-1) 2024 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 348 Globalization 2024 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 390 Topics in Political Science: Labor in America: Power, Politics and Policy (sec. 23) 2024 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 390 Topics in POLI_SCI: Ocean Law and Policy (Sec. 25, also ENVR_POL 390-0-21 and LEGAL_ST 376-0-22) 2024 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 390 Topics in POLI_SCI: Climate Change Law and Policy (sec. 26, also ENVR_POL 390-0-22 and LEGAL_ST 376-0-23) 2024 Winter Electives
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology 2024 Winter Electives
PSYCH 340 Psychology and Law (also LEGAL_ST 350) 2024 Winter Electives
RELIGION 318 Religion and Politics in the People's Republic of China 2024 Winter Electives
RTVF 314 History of Recording Industry 2024 Winter Electives
RTVF 360-0 Writing the Procedural (sec. 21) 2024 Winter Electives
SESP 360 Magic, Monsters, and The Holocaust: Designing for… (previously 351 cannot get credit for both) 2024 Winter Electives
SLAVIC 222 Language, Politics, & Identity (also LING 222) 2024 Winter Electives
SOC POL 331 Economics of Inequality and Discrimination 2024 Winter Electives
SOC POL 333 Economics of Health, Human Capital, and Happiness 2024 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 110 Intro to Sociology 2024 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 206 Law and Society (also LEGAL ST 206) 2024 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations 2024 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 306 Sociological Theory 2024 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 348 Race, Politics, and the Law (also LEGAL ST 348) 2024 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 356 Sociology of Gender 2024 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 376 Topics in Sociological Analysis: Race/Gender/Sex & Science  (sec. 20. also, GNDR ST 341) 2024 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 376 Topics in Sociological Analysis: Media, Movements and Social Change (sec. 22, also COMM_ST 381-0-1) 2024 Winter Electives
STAT 210 Intro to Probability & Stats 2024 Winter Electives
TEACH ED 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-20, MS ED 402-0-20) 2024 Winter Electives

Fall 2023 Electives

AF_AM_ST 315 Religion, Culture, and Resistance in the Caribbean (also REL 379) 2023 Fall Electives
AF_AM ST 380 Black Political Thought (sec. 20) 2023 Fall Electives
AF AM ST 380 Black Feminist World Making (sec. 22 also ENG 366 sec 20) 2023 Fall Electives
AMER ST 310 Sex & the American Empire: Journalism & Frames of (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 390-0-21, JOUR 331-20) 2023 Fall Electives
AMER ST 310 Immigration Politics and Policy (also POLI_SCI 336 sec 60) 2023 Fall Electives
ANTHRO 382 Political Ecology (also ENVR_POL 384-0-20) 2023 Fall Electives
ANTHRO 384 Traveling While Muslim: Islam, Mobility and Security after 9/11 (also MENA 301-3-20) 2023 Fall Electives
ASIAN AM 210 Introduction to Asian American Studies 2023 Fall Electives
ASIAN AM 220 Topics in History: Japanese American "Internment" (also LEGAL_ST 276 -1) 2023 Fall Electives
ASIAN AM 303 Advanced Topics in Sociol and Cultural Analysis: Asian American Politics and  Representation  2023 Fall Electives
ASIAN LC 240 Introductory Topics in Korean Literature and Culture: The End of a World (also COMP LIT 202-0-21) 2023 Fall Electives
ASIAN LC 340 Studies in Gender, Sexuality & Representation: Feminist, Queer, Crip: South Korea, also COMP_LIT 307-0-20 and GNDR_ST 361-0-20) 2023 Fall Electives
CIV ENV 303 Environmental Law and Policy 2023 Fall Electives
CIV ENV 368 Sustainability: The City 2023 Fall Electives
CLASSICS 211 Greek History and Culture: From Homer to Alexander the Great 2023 Fall Electives
COMM ST 205 Theories of Persuasion  2023 Fall Electives
COMM ST 274 Power in Entertainment 2023 Fall Electives
COMM ST 315 Rhetoric of Social Movements 2023 Fall Electives
ECON 323-1 Economic History of the United States Before 1865 2023 Fall Electives
ECON 323-2 Economic History of the United States 1865 to Present 2023 Fall Electives
ECON 324 Western Economic History 2023 Fall Electives
ECON 326 The Economics of Developing Countries 2023 Fall Electives
ECON 337 Economics of State and Local Governments 2023 Fall Electives
ECON 339 Labor Economics 2023 Fall Electives
ECON 350 Monopoly Competition & Public Policy 2023 Fall Electives
ECON 362 International Finance 2023 Fall Electives
ENGLISH 366 Black Feminist World Making (also AF AM ST 380 sec 22) 2023 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 309 American Environmental History (also HIST 309-20) 2023 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 338 Environmental Justice (also GBL_HLTH 338-0-1) 2023 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 340 Global Environments & World History (also HISTORY 376-0-20) 2023 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 337 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (also GBL HLTH 337) 2023 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 384 Political Ecology (also ANTHRO 382-0-20) 2023 Fall Electives
ENVR_POL 390 Special Topics in Envi Policy: International Environmental Politics sec. 22  2023 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics 2023 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 337 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (also ENVR_POL 337) 2023 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 338 Environmental Justice (also  ENVR_POL 338-0-1) 2023 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 390 International Public Health (sec. 21, also PUB_HLTH 390) 2023 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 220 Sexual Subjects: Introduction to Sexuality Studies 2023 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 235 Beyond the Binary: Transgender & Race  2023 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 321 Gender, Sexuality, and History: US Women's History 1865-Present  2023 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 331 Gender and Politics (also POLI_SCI 337 and SOC 309) 2023 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 332 Gender, Sexuality, and Health: Race/Gender/Sex/Science (also SOCIOL 376-20and HUM 370-3) 2023 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 381 Queer Theory 2023 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 390 Topics in Gender and Sexuality Studies: Deportation Law and Politics (sec 22 only) 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 200 Race and Racism sec 20 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 201-2 Europe in the Modern World 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 210-1 North America and the United States to 1865 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 250-2 Global History: The Modern World 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 300 New Lectures in History: Colonialism and Genocide: 20th Century Europe and Africa sec 22 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 300 New Lectures in History: Native Nations and the US Legal System sec 20 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 309 American Environmental History (also ENVR_POL 309) 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 345-1 History of Russia, 800-1917: From Kievan Russia to Bolshevik Revolution 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 376 Global Environments & World History (also ENVR_POL 340) 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 381-3 Modern China: Post Mao Reforms 1978-2016 2023 Fall Electives
HISTORY 393 Approaches to History: Holocaust Memory sec. 20 2023 Fall Electives
HUM 370-3 Special Topics in the Humanities: Race/Gender/Sex & Science (also SOCIOL 376-0-20 and GNDR 332) 2023 Fall Electives
IEMS 303 Statistics 2023 Fall Electives
IMC 306 Strategic Communications 2023 Fall Electives
JOUR 302 Propaganda, Persuasion & Journalism (sec. 22) 2023 Fall Electives
JOUR 302 Watergate's Legacy: The Press and the Presidency (sec. 23) 2023 Fall Electives
JOUR 331 Sex & the American Empire: Journalism & Frames of (sec. 21, also GNDR ST 390-0-21) 2023 Fall Electives
JOUR 370 Media Law & Ethics secs. 21 and 22) 2023 Fall Electives
JOUR 384 Covering Washington DC As a Mobile Journalist 2023 Fall Electives
JOUR 390 Local and State Political Reporting 2023 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 101-7 First-Year College Seminar Investigating Representations of True Crime 2023 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 206 Law and Society (also  SOCIOL 206) 2023 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 276 Japanese American "Internment" (also, ASIAN AM 220) 2023 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 332 Constitutional Law I (also, POLI_SCI 332-0-1) 2023 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 398-1 Advanced Research Seminar 2023 Fall Electives
LRN SCI 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also MS ED 402-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2023 Fall Electives
MENA 301-1 Traveling While Muslim: Islam, Mobility and Security after 9/11 (also ANTHRO 384-0-20) 2023 Fall Electives
MMSS 211-1 Social Science Theories & Meth-First Yr (sec. 1) 2023 Fall Electives
MS ED 402 Social Contexts of Education (also LRN SCI 302-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2023 Fall Electives
PHIL 110 Introduction to Philosophy 2023 Fall Electives
PHIL 224 Philosophy, Race, and Racism 2023 Fall Electives
PHIL 260 Introduction to Moral Philosophy 2023 Fall Electives
PHIL 269 Bioethics 2023 Fall Electives
PHIL 273-2 The Brady Scholars Program: The Moral Life 2023 Fall Electives
PHIL 373-1 The Brady Scholars Program The Civically Engaged Life: The Good Work 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 201 Intro to Political Theory 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 240 Introduction to International Relations 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 250 Intro to Comparative Politics 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 307 Deportation Law and Politics (also GNDR ST 390-0-22) 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 323 Public Opinion and Voting Behavior 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 332 Constitutional Law I (also LEGAL ST 332) 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 336 Immigration Politics and Policy  (also AMER_ST 310-30) 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 337 Gender and Politics (also GNDR_ST 331 and SOC 309) 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 341 International Political Economy 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 390 Special Topics: Intersectionality, Measurement and Public Policy (also  SOC POL 351) 2023 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 395 Politics in the Digital Age (sec. 3) 2023 Fall Electives
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology 2023 Fall Electives
PSYCH 348 Psychology of Sex and Gender Differences 2023 Fall Electives
RELIGION 379 Religion, Culture and Resistance in the Caribbean (sec. 20, also LATIN_AM 391-0-20 and AF_AM) 2023 Fall Electives
SLAVIC 261 Heart of Europe: Poland in the 20th Century (also COMP_LIT 202) 2023 Fall Electives
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation 2023 Fall Electives
SOC POL 351 Special Topics: Intersectionality, Measurement and Public Policy (also POLI_SCI 390 sec 2) 2023 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 110 Introduction to Sociology 2023 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 206 Law and Society (also LEGAL ST 206) 2023 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 216 Gender & Society 2023 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations 2023 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 307 School and Society 2023 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 309 Political Sociology: Gender and Politics (also GNDR 331-21 and POLI_SCI 337) 2023 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 376 Topics in Sociological Analysis: Race/Gender/Sex & Science  (also HUM 370-3, GNDR ST 332-21) 2023 Fall Electives
STAT 210 Intro to Probability & Stats 2023 Fall Electives
TEACH ED 302 Social Contexts of Education (also LRN SCI 302-0-20, MS ED 402-0-20) 2023 Fall Electives
THEATRE 341 Theatre and Social Change  2023 Fall Electives
THEATRE 347 Latinx Theatre (also THEATRE 375-25 Latine Theatre) 2023 Fall Electives

Spring 2023 Electives

AF_AM_ST  212-1 Intro to African American History: Key Concepts from 1700 to 1861 2023 Spring Electives
AF_AM_ST  339-0 Unsettling Whiteness 2023 Spring Electives
AMER_ST 310-0 Studies in American Culture: Press and Presidential Elections (also POLI_SCI 390-22) 2023 Spring Electives
AMER_ST 310-0 “The Chicago Way”: Urban Spaces and American Value sec 70 (also ENGLISH 378-22) 2023 Spring Electives
ANTHRO  390-0 Topics In Anthropology: Gender and Power in the Global Muslim World sec. 22 2023 Spring Electives
ASIAN_AM  303-0 Social & Cultural Analysis: Black Studies, Native Studies, and Asian Settler (also AF_AM 480-20) 2023 Spring Electives
ASIAN_AM  360-0 Studies in Race, Gender, Sex: Asian American Sexualities (also GNDR_ST 382-21) 2023 Spring Electives
ASIAN_LC 200-0 Introductory Topics in Chinese Lit and Cult: Dao of Sex (also GNDR_ST 231-20) 2023 Spring Electives
CFS 394-0 Legal Field Studies 2023 Spring Electives
CIV_ENV 308 Environmental Justice 2023 Spring Electives
CLASSICS  212-0 Rome: Culture and Empire 2023 Spring Electives
COMM_ST 380-0 Political Communication 2023 Spring Electives
COMP SCI 396 Computing, Ethics, and Society (sec. 14) 2023 Spring Electives
COMP SCI 260-0 Introduction to Law and Digital Technologies (sec. 1) 2023 Spring Electives
COMP_LIT  205-0 Reading Difference: Dao of Sex (also PHIL 221-20 and GNDR_ST 233-20) 2023 Spring Electives
COMP_LIT  302-0 Reading Across Disciplines: Law and its Discontents (Also HUM 370-6-26) 2023 Spring Electives
COMP_LIT  307-0 Studies in Gender, Sexuality & Representation: Queer Cinema (also RTVF 398-21) 2023 Spring Electives
COMP_LIT 202-0 Interpreting Culture: Poland in 20th Century (also SLAVIC 261) 2023 Spring Electives
DSGN 350 Intellectual Property and Innovation: Innovation & Invention (sec. 20) 2023 Spring Electives
ECON  324-0 Western Economic History 2023 Spring Electives
ECON  342-0 Economics of Gender 2023 Spring Electives
ECON  372-0 Environmental Economics 2023 Spring Electives
ENGLISH  378-0 Studies in American Literature: “The Chicago Way”: Urban Spaces and American Value sec 22 (also AMER_ST 310-70) 2023 Spring Electives
ENGLISH  385-0 Topics in Combined Studies: LGBTQ Art and Activism in the United States (also GNDR_ST 361-21) 2023 Spring Electives
ENGLISH 381-0 Literature and Medicine: Medicine, Race and Gender (also GNDR_ST 361-23) 2023 Spring Electives
ENVR_POL  360-0 Animal Law (also LEGAL_ST 360) 2023 Spring Electives
ENVR_POL  390-0 Special Topics in Envi Policy: Environmental Justice in Modern South Asia sec 20 (also HUM 370-3-20) 2023 Spring Electives
ENVR_POL  390-0 Special Topics in Envi Policy: U.S. Environmental Politics sec 22 (also POLI_SCI 329-20) 2023 Spring Electives
ENVR_POL  390-0 Special Topics in Envi Policy: International Environmental Politics sec. 23 (also POLI_SCI 349-20) 2023 Spring Electives
ENVR_POL  390-0 Special Topics in Envi Policy: Water in Arid Lands: Israel and the Middle East sec 25 (also JWSH_ST 390-1) 2023 Spring Electives
ENVR_POL  390-0 Special Topics in Envi Policy: Energy in American History sec. 31 2023 Spring Electives
GBL_HLTH  302-0 Global Bioethics 2023 Spring Electives
GBL_HLTH  325-0 History Reproductive Health 2023 Spring Electives
GBL_HLTH  390-0 Special Topics in Global Health: Hazards, Disasters, and Society sec 26 (also ENVR_POL 390-26) 2023 Spring Electives
GBL_HLTH  390-0 Special Topics in Global Health: Native Nations, Healthcare Systems, and U.S. Policy  sec 24 2023 Spring Electives
GNDR_ST  231-0 Gender, Sexuality, & Representation: Dao of Sex (also ASIAN_LC 200-20) 2023 Spring Electives
GNDR_ST  233-0 Gender, Politics, & Philosophy (also COMP_LIT 205) 2023 Spring Electives
GNDR_ST  321-0 Gender, Sexuality and History: US Women's History to 1865 (sec. 20, also HIST 303-20) 2023 Spring Electives
GNDR_ST  324-0 US Gay and Lesbian History 2023 Spring Electives
GNDR_ST  331-0 Sociology of Gender/Sexuality: Gender, Health and Medicine (also SOCIOL 376 sec.20) 2023 Spring Electives
GNDR_ST  332-0 Gender, Sexuality, and Health: Health Activism  2023 Spring Electives
GNDR_ST  351-0 Gender/Sexuality/Public Policy: Gender, Sexuality, and the Carceral System (also LEGAL_ST 376 sec 21) 2023 Spring Electives
GNDR_ST  361-0 Gender/Sexuality & Literature: LGBTQ Art & Activism in the US (also ENGLISH 385 sec. 23) 2023 Spring Electives
GNDR_ST  361-0 Gender/Sexuality & Literature: Medicine, Race and Gender (section 23; also ENGLISH 381 sec 21) 2023 Spring Electives
GNDR_ST  382-0 Race, Gender, and Sexuality: Gender, Race & the Holocaust sec. (also HISTORY 393-20) 2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY 218 Latina and Latino History 2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY  200-0 Global History of Slavery sec 23 2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY  200-0 American Religious History from WWII to the Present sec 25 (also REL 265-0-20) 2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY 201-1 Europe in the Medieval and Early Modern World 2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY 250-2 Global History: The Modern World  2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY 271-3 History Of The Modern Middle East, 1789 To Present (also MENA 290-4-20) 2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY 303-1 American Women's History, to 1865  2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY 321-0 The Vietnam Wars 2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY 324-0 US Gay and Lesbian History (sec. 60, also GNDR ST 324-0-21) 2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY 349-0 History of the Holocaust 2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY 386-3 History of Contemporary Southeast Asia Since 1945  2023 Spring Electives
HISTORY 393-0 Approaches to Hist: Gender, Race & the Holocaust sec. 20 (also GNDR_ST 382)  2023 Spring Electives
HUM  370-6 Special Topics in Humanities: Depictions of Criminality in Literature sec. 26 (same as COMP_LIT 302-20) 2023 Spring Electives
HUM 370-4 Environmental Justice in Modern South Asia (also, ENVR_POL 390-0-20) 2023 Spring Electives
IEMS 303-0 Statistics  2023 Spring Electives
IMC 305-0 Message Strategy and Persuasive Communications 2023 Spring Electives
IMC 310-0 IMC: Law, Ethics and Technology 2023 Spring Electives
IMC 311-0 Digital Data: Privacy and Governance (sec. 20, also IMC 414-0-20) 2023 Spring Electives
INTL_ST  290-0 Topics in Int'l Studies: Foreign Aid and the U.S. Foreign Policy 2023 Spring Electives
INTL_ST  393-0 Development in Global Context: Participation, Power and Social Change 2023 Spring Electives
INTL_ST  395-0 Integrating Project Seminar: International Climate Change Politics & Policy 2023 Spring Electives
ISEN  230-0 Ethics of Climate Change & Sustainability (also PHIL 270) 2023 Spring Electives
JOUR 301 Social Change and Urban Dynamics (sec. 21) 2023 Spring Electives
JOUR 301 Chicago Divided: North Side vs. South Side, Cubs v Sox (sec. 24) 2023 Spring Electives
JOUR 302 Propaganda, Persuasion & Journalism (sec. 21) 2023 Spring Electives
JOUR 302 Analyzing the History and Evolution (secs. 22 and 23) 2023 Spring Electives
JOUR 367 Native American Environmental Issues and the Media 2023 Spring Electives
JOUR 370 Media Law & Ethics 2023 Spring Electives
JWSH_ST 390-0 Water in Arid Lands: Israel and the Middle East (sec. 1, also CIV_ENV 395-0-25 and ENVR_POL 390-0-25) 2023 Spring Electives
LATINO  218-0 Latina & Latino History (also HISTORY 218-20) 2023 Spring Electives
LEGAL_ST  360-0 Animal Law (also ENVR_POL 360) 2023 Spring Electives
LEGAL_ST  376-0 Topics in Legal Studies: Gender, Sexuality & the Carceral State (also GNDR_ST 351-20) 2023 Spring Electives
LEGAL_ST  376-0 Topics in Legal Studies: Reality TV and Legal Theory  2023 Spring Electives
LEGAL_ST  394-LK Professional Linkage Seminar: American Lawyering: Education and Practice 2023 Spring Electives
LEGAL_ST  394-LK Professional Linkage Seminar: Human Rights & US Refugee Law 2023 Spring Electives
LEGAL_ST 207-0 Legal Studies Research Methods (also SOCIOL 227) 2023 Spring Electives
LEGAL_ST 309-0 Political Theories of the Rule of Law (also POLI SCI 309) 2023 Spring Electives
LEGAL_ST 333-0 Constitutional Law II (also POLI SCI 333) 2023 Spring Electives
LING 222 Language, Politics, & Identity (also SLAVIC 255) 2023 Spring Electives
MMSS 211-3 Social Science Theories & Meth-First Yr (sec. 1) 2023 Spring Electives
MUSICOL 355-0 Topics in 20th Century Music: Music and the Holocaust sec 3 2023 Spring Electives
PHIL 221 Gender, Politics, and Philosophy (sec. 20, also COMP LIT 205-0-1, GNDR ST 233-0-20) 2023 Spring Electives
PHIL  273-3 The Brady Scholars Program: The Good Society 2023 Spring Electives
PHIL  364-0 Business & Professional Ethics secs, 20 and 21 2023 Spring Electives
PHIL 210-3 History of Philosophy - Early Modern 2023 Spring Electives
PHIL 262-0 Ethical Problems and Public Issues 2023 Spring Electives
PHIL 324-0 Studies in African American Philosophy (sec. 20) 2023 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 309-0 Political Theories of the Rule of Law (also LEGAL ST 309) 2023 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 390-0 Integrity and the Politics of Corruption sec 20  2023 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 395-0 Black Political Thought (sec. 25) 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  201-0 Intro to Political Theory 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  230-0 Intro: Law in Political Arena 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  240-0 Intro International Relations 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  312-0 Statistical Research Methods 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  321-0 Urban Politics 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  326-0 Race and Public Policy 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  329-0 U.S. Environmental Politics (also ENVR_POL 390-22) 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  333-0 Constitutional Law II (also LEGAL_ST 333) 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  349-0 International Environmental Politics (also ENVR_POL 390-23) 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  359-0 Politics of Africa 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  369-0 Politics of Post-Soviet Russia 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  376-0 Civil Wars 2023 Spring Electives
POLI_SCI  390-0 Special Topics: The Press & Presidential Elections sec 22 (AMER_ST 310) 2023 Spring Electives
PSYCH  201-0 Statistical Methods in Psychology 2023 Spring Electives
RELIGION  265-0 American Religious History: WWII to Present (also HIST 200-25) 2023 Spring Electives
RTVF 360-0 Writing the Procedural (sec. 22) 2023 Spring Electives
SESP 325 Race, Adolescence and School Discipline (formerly SESP 351 will accept either course #) 2023 Spring Electives
SLAVIC 255 Language, Politics, & Identity (also LING 222) 2023 Spring Electives
SLAVIC  261-0 Heart of Europe: Poland in the 20th Century (also COMP_LIT 202) 2023 Spring Electives
SLAVIC 390-0 Fall of the USSR and Rise of Russia 2023 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 110 Introduction to Sociology 2023 Spring Electives
SOCIOL  208-0 Race & Society 2023 Spring Electives
SOCIOL  211-0 Food & Society: An Introduction (also ENVR_POL 211) 2023 Spring Electives
SOCIOL  227-0 Legal Studies Research Methods (also LEGAL_ST 207) 2023 Spring Electives
SOCIOL  235-0 Critical Thought on Race & Ethnicity 2023 Spring Electives
SOCIOL  302-0 Sociology of Organizations 2023 Spring Electives
SOCIOL  309-0 Political Sociology 2023 Spring Electives
STAT  210-0 Intro to Probability & Stats 2023 Spring Electives

Winter 2023 Electives

AF_AM ST 213 History of the Black World 2023 Winter Electives
AF_AM ST 345 Afro-Latin America: Politics of Afro-Latin America 2023 Winter Electives
AF_AM ST 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (also HISTORY 212-2) 2023 Winter Electives
AMER_ST 310 Intro to Critical Mixed Race Studies (sec. 70, also, AF_AM_ST 251 2023 Winter Electives
AMER_ST 310 Bad News (sec. 10, also  POLI_SCI 390) 2023 Winter Electives
ANTHRO 290 Topics in Anthropology: American Suburbs: Race, Class and Placemaking  (sec. 21) 2023 Winter Electives
ASIAN AM 214 Introduction Asian American History (also HIST 214-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
ASIAN AM 360 Queer/Trans Ethnic Studies (also GNDR ST 382-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
ASIAN AM 360 Studies in Race, Gender and Sexuality: Queer and Trans of Color Genealogies (sec. 1, GNDR_ST 382-20)) 2023 Winter Electives
ASIAN LC 240 Introductory Topics in Korean Literature and Culture: Colonial Korean Literature and Culture (also COMP_LIT 205-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
ASIAN LC 300 Religion and Politics in the PRC (sec. 23, also RELIGION 318-0-23) 2023 Winter Electives
ASIAN LC 340 Studies in Gender, Sexuality & Representation: Feminist, Queer, Crip: South Korea, also ASIAN LC 340-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
CFS 394 Legal Field Studies 2023 Winter Electives
CIV ENV 309 Climate and Energy: Law and Policy 2023 Winter Electives
CLASSICS 310 Archaeology of Ancient Mediterranean Topic: Amazons 2023 Winter Electives
COG SCI 202 Evaluating Evidence (sec. 20, also POLI SCI 212-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
COMM ST 317 Voice, Violence, and Democracy 2023 Winter Electives
COMM ST 395 Environmental Art and Advocacy 2023 Winter Electives
COMP LIT 205 Reading Difference: Colonial Korean Literature and Culture 2023 Winter Electives
COMP LIT 207 Intro to Critical Theory 2023 Winter Electives
COMP LIT 307 Studies in Gender, Sexuality & Representation: Feminist, Queer, Crip: South Korea, also ASIAN LC 340-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
COMP LIT 383 Special Topics in Theory: Sex, Prisons and the Plurality of Power (also PHIL 315-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
ECON 335 Political Economics 2023 Winter Electives
ECON 339 Labor Economics 2023 Winter Electives
ECON 351 Law and Economics 2023 Winter Electives
ECON 372 Environmental Economics 2023 Winter Electives
ECON 323-1 Economic History of the United States Before 1865 2023 Winter Electives
ENVR POL 309 American Environmental History 2023 Winter Electives
ENVR POL 340 Global Environments & World History (sec. 1, also HISTORY 376-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
ENVR POL 390 Ocean and Coastal Law and Policy (sec. 21) 2023 Winter Electives
ENVR POL 390 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (sec. 29, also GBL HLTH 390-0-24) 2023 Winter Electives
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics 2023 Winter Electives
GERMAN 335 Minority Voices in Germany 2023 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 321 Gender, Sexuality and History: US Women's History 1865-Present (sec. 22) 2023 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 331 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality (also SOCIOL 356-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 341 Transnational Perspectives on Gender/Sexuality: Feminist, Queer, Crip: South Korea  (also ASIAN LC 340-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 353 Deportation Law & Politics (sec. 20, also POLI SCI 307-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 381 Queer Theory 2023 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 382 Race, Gender and Sexuality:  2023 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 382 Race, Gender and Sexuality: Queer and Trans of Color Genealogies (sec. 20, ASIAN_AM 360-1) 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 200 American Religious History from WWII to the Present (sec. 22, also REL 264-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 214 Asian American History 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 300 Comparative Genocide (sec. 28) 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 337 History of Modern Europe 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 376 Global Environments & World History (sec. 1, also ENVR_POL 340) 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 393 Mass Violence (sec. 26) 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 393 Abortion in the United States 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 210-2 History of the United States, Reconstruction to the Present 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (also AF AM ST 212-2) 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 250-2 Global History: The Modern World 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 315-3 The United States Since 1900: Late 20th Century to the Present 2023 Winter Electives
HISTORY 381-2 History of Modern China: 1911 to Present 2023 Winter Electives
HUM 370-5 Philosophy of Punishment and Incarceration (also PHIL 361-0-20)) 2023 Winter Electives
HUM 370-6 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 22, also LEGAL ST 376-0-20, RTVF 377-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
IEMS 303 Statistics 2023 Winter Electives
IMC 305 Message Strategy and Persuasive Communications 2023 Winter Electives
IMC 306 Strategic Communications 2023 Winter Electives
IMC 310 Integrated Marketing and Communication Law, Policy and Ethics 2023 Winter Electives
INTL ST 390 Dilemmas of American Power (sec. 20, also JOUR 353-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
INTL ST 390 Politics of International Law  2023 Winter Electives
JOUR 301 Police, Race, Politics and Community (sec. 20) 2023 Winter Electives
JOUR 303 Framed: Media and the Marginalized (sec. 20) 2023 Winter Electives
JOUR 370 Media Law & Ethics 2023 Winter Electives
JOUR 384 Covering Washington DC As a Mobile Journalist 2023 Winter Electives
JOUR 390 Social Justice Investigations Primer (sec. 20) 2023 Winter Electives
JWSH ST 396 Holocaust/Genocide in Film and TV (RTVF 398-0-26) 2023 Winter Electives
LATINO 201 Introduction to Latina and Latino Studies 2023 Winter Electives
LATINO 392 Latino Politics (sec. 1, also POLI SCI 334) 2023 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 206 Law and Society (also SOCIOL 206) 2023 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 376 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 20, also HUM 370-6-22, RTVF 377 sec. 20) 2023 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 376 Gender, Sexuality, and the Carceral State ( sec. 21, also GNDR ST 351-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
LING 222 Language, Politics, & Identity (sec. 20, also SLAVIC 222) 2023 Winter Electives
LRN SCI 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 21, also MS ED 402-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
MENA 390-3 Politics of the Middle East ( sec. 22, also POLI SCI 351) 2023 Winter Electives
MMSS 211-3 Social Science Theories & Meth-First Yr (sec. 1) 2023 Winter Electives
MS ED 402 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
PERF_ST 321 Performance, Sex and Censorship (also, RTVF 398-0-25) 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 110 Introduction to Philosophy 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 220 Introduction to Critical Theory (also, COMP_LIT 207-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 250 Elementary Logic II 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 261 Introduction to Political Philosophy 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 269 Bioethics 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 315 Sex, Prisons and the Plurality of Power (sec. 20, also COMP_LIT 383) 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 326 Philosophy of Medicine 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 361 Philosophy of Punishment and Incarceration (also HUM 370-5-20) 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 361 The Philosophy of Punishment and Incarceration (also, HUM 370-5-20) 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 210-1 History of Philosophy-Ancient 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 273-2 The Brady Scholars Program: The Moral Life 2023 Winter Electives
PHIL 373-2 The Brady Scholars Program: The Civically Engaged Life (sec. 1) 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 201 Introduction to Political Theory 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 212 Evaluating Evidence (sec. 20, also COG SCI 202-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 220 American Government and Politics 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 240 Introduction to International Relations 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 250 Introduction to Comparative Politics 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 307 Deportation Law and Politics (also GNDR ST 353-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 325 Congress and the Legislative Processes 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 327 African American Politics (also AF AM ST 380-0-21) 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 334 Latino Politics (also LATINO 392-0-1) 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 336 Immigration Politics and Policy 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 348 Globalization 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 351 Politics of the Middle East (also MENA 390-3) 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 368 Political Economy of Development 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 369 Politics of Post-Soviet Russia 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 390 Bad News (sec. 22, also AMER_ST 310-0-10) 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 394 Politics & The Presidency 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 395 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (sec. 23) 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 395 Political Research Seminar: American Racial Politics: From Obama to Trump (sec. 24) 2023 Winter Electives
POLI SCI  390 Special Topics in Political Science:  South African Politics (sec. 23) 2023 Winter Electives
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology 2023 Winter Electives
RELIGION 318 Religion and Politics in the PRC (sec. 23, also ASIAN LC 300-0-21) 2023 Winter Electives
RELIGION 379 Science Fiction & Social Justice 2023 Winter Electives
RELIGION  319 Buddhist Cultures and the Rhetoric of Violence (sec. 20, also ASIAN LC 390-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
RTFV 398 Symposium: Issues in RTVF: Sex, Censorship and the Art of Queer/Trans Life (sec. 25, also PERF_ST 321) 2023 Winter Electives
RTVF 377 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 20, also HUM 370-6-22, LEGAL ST 376-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
RTVF  398 Symposium: Issues in RTVF: Holocaust/Genocide in Film and TV (sec. 26, also JWSH_ST 396) 2023 Winter Electives
SESP 204 Designing for Social Change 2023 Winter Electives
SESP 320 Race and Education 2023 Winter Electives
SLAVIC 222 Language, Politics, & Identity (also LING 222) 2023 Winter Electives
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation 2023 Winter Electives
SOC POL 331 Economics of Inequality and Discrimination 2023 Winter Electives
SOC POL 333 Economics of Health, Human Capital, and Happiness 2023 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 110 Introduction to Sociology 2023 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 202 Social Problems 2023 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 206 Law and Society (also LEGAL ST 206) 2023 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations 2023 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 306 Sociological Theory 2023 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 356 Sociology of Gender 2023 Winter Electives
TEACH ED 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-21, MS ED 402-0-20) 2023 Winter Electives
THEATRE 341 Theatre and Social Change: Theatre and Violence (sec. 20) 2023 Winter Electives
THEATRE 341 Theatre and Social Change: Performance Activism (sec. 21) 2023 Winter Electives

Fall 2022 Electives

**To look up class meeting days and times please go to CAESAR**

Note that courses are subject to change. Last updated: 8/26/2022

Department Course Number Course Title Quarter Offered
AF_ST 390 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (also LEGAL ST 356) 2022 Fall Electives
AF_AM_ST 215 Intro to Black Social and Political Life  2022 Fall Electives
AF_AM_ST 380 Black Political Thought (sec. 20) 2022 Fall Electives
AF_AM_ST 381 Intro to Carribean Studies: Religion, Culture and … (sec. 21) 2022 Fall Electives
ANTHRO 316 Forensic Anthropology 2022 Fall Electives
ANTHRO 382 Political Ecology (also ENVR_POL 384-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
ANTHRO 384 Traveling While Muslim: Islam, Mobility and Security after 9/11 (also MENA 301-3-20) 2022 Fall Electives
ANTHRO 390 Porous Borders? Geography, Power and Techniques of Movement (sec. 23, also MENA 290-3-20) 2022 Fall Electives
ASIAN AM 210 Introduction to Asian American Studies 2022 Fall Electives
ASIAN AM 360 Studies in Race, Gender and Sexuality: Trans-Related Medical Surgeries (Also GNDR_ST 340-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
ASIAN LC 300 Grassroots Revolt in China Today 2022 Fall Electives
BUS_INST 394-LNK Organizational Risk Management (sec. 31) 2022Fall Electives
CFS 397 Field Studies in Civic Engagement 2022 Fall Electives
CIV ENV 303 Environmental Law and Policy 2022 Fall Electives
CIV ENV 368 Sustainability: The City 2022 Fall Electives
COMM ST 205 Theories of Persuasion (sec. 20) 2022 Fall Electives
COMM ST 310 Rhetoric , Democracy & Empire in Classical Athens 2022 Fall Electives
COMM ST 315 Rhetoric of Social Movements 2022 Fall Electives
COMM ST 340 Community Integration of Labeled People  2022 Fall Electives
COMP LIT 302 Modernism in the Time of Decolonization (also MENA 390-6-20) 2022 Fall Electives
ECON 337 Economics of State and Local Governments 2022 Fall Electives
ECON 339 Labor Economics 2022 Fall Electives
ECON 323-2 Economic History of the United States 1865 to Present 2022 Fall Electives
ECON 350 Monopoly Competition & Public Policy 2022 Fall Electives
ENGLISH 300 Seminar in Reading and Interp: Religious Controversies (sec. 20) 2022 Fall Electives
ENGLISH 385 Law and Literature 2022 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 309 American Environmental History (also HIST 309-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 360 Animal Law (also LEGAL_ST 360) 2022 Fall Electives
ENVR_POL 384 Political Ecology (also ANHTRO 382-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 390 International Environmental Law and Policy (sec. 22, also LEGAL ST 376-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
ENVR POL 390 Native American Environmental Issues and the Media (sec. 24, also JOUR 367-0-20) 2020 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics 2022 Fall Electives
GBL_HLTH 309 Biomedicine and World History 2022 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 324 Volunteerism & Ethics of Help (sec. 1) 2022 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 325 History of Reproductive Health 2022 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 390 Environmental Justice (sec. 26) 2022 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 390 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (sec. 25) 2022 Fall Electives
GBL HLTH 390 International Public Health (sec. 31) 2022 Fall Electives
GERMAN 230 Berlin and the Culture of Democracy 2022 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 220 Sexual Subjects: Introduction to Sexuality Studies 2022 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 235 Beyond the Binary: Transgender & Race (sec. 20, also ANTHRO 290-0-22) 2022 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 331 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality: Political Sociology: Focus on Gender (also SOCIOL 309-0-20 and POLI_SCI 390-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 332 Gender, Sexuality and Health 2022 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 340 Gender, Sexuality, and the Law (also LEGAL ST 340-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 341 Transnational Perspectives on Gender/Sexuality (also ASIAN LC 340-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 371 Gender Sexuality and Popular Culture Topic: New Media, Gender and Race (sec. 21) 2022 Fall Electives
GNDR ST 382 Race, Gender and Sexuality 2022 Fall Electives
HISTORY 262 Pirates, Guns, and Empires 2022 Fall Electives
HISTORY 300 Civil Rights Movement (sec. 30) 2022 Fall Electives
HISTORY 300 Global History of Refugees (sec. 28) 2022 Fall Electives
HISTORY 309 American Environmental History (also ENVR_POL 309-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
HISTORY 318-1 Legal and Constitutional Hist. of the US: Colonial Period to 1850 (also LEGAL_ST 318-1) 2022 Fall Electives
HISTORY 345-3 History of Russia, 1917-Present 2022 Fall Electives
HISTORY 381-1 Modern China: Transition to Modern Times, 1600-1912 2022 Fall Electives
HISTORY 201-2 Europe in the Modern World 2022 Fall Electives
HISTORY 210-1 History of the United States, Precolonial to the Civil War 2022 Fall Electives
HISTORY 250-2 Global History: The Modern World 2022 Fall Electives
HUM 210 Revolutions: Visualizing Radicalism 2022 Fall Electives
HUM 370-3 Race/Gender/Sex & Science: Identities….(also SOCIOL 376-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
IEMS 303 Statistics  2022 Fall Electives
IMC 306 Strategic Communications 2022 Fall Electives
INTL ST 390 Ukraine's Long Fight for Independence (sec. 20, also POLI_SCI 390-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
INTL ST 390 Ethics in International Relations (sec. 21, also POLI_SCI 347-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
INTL ST 390 Dilemmas of American Power (sec. 22, also JOUR 353-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
INTL ST 393 Development in the Global Context: Participation, Power and Social Change 2022 Fall Electives
ISEN 230 Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethical Dimensions 2022 Fall Electives
JOUR 301 Social Change and Urban Dynamics (sec. 22) 2022 Fall Electives
JOUR 302 Propaganda, Persuasion & Journalism (sec. 22) 2022 Fall Electives
JOUR 302 Watergate's Legacy: The Press and the Presidency (sec. 23) 2022 Fall Electives
JOUR 352 Politics, Media, and the Republic (sec. 20) 2022 Fall Electives
JOUR 353 Dilemmas of American Power (sec. 20, INTL_ST 390-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
JOUR 367 Native American Environmental Issues and the Media (sec. 20, also ENVR_POL 390-0-24) 2022 Fall Electives
JOUR 370 Media Law & Ethics 2022 Fall Electives
LATIN_AM 391 Religion, Culture and Resistance in the Carribean (sec. 20) 2022 Fall Electives
LATIN_AM 391 Race & Gender in the Americas (sec. 22) 2022 Fall Electives
LATINO 392 Violence, the Body, and Resistance (sec. 2) 2022 Fall Electives
LATINO 393 Memory, Mourning, and Protest (sec. 1) 2022 Fall Electives
LEGAL_ST 101-6 First-Year Seminar: Law and the Civil Rights Movement  2022 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 206 Law and Society (sec. 20, also SOCIOL 206) 2022 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 318 Legal and Constitutional Hist. of the US: Colonial Period to 1850 (also HIST 318-1) 2022 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 330 U.S. Refugee Policy & Localities (also POLI SCI 330) 2022 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 340 Gender, Sexuality, and the Law (also GNDR ST 340-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 350 Psychology and the Law (also PSYCH 340) 2022 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 356 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (also POLI SCI 356) 2022 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 360 Animal Law (also ENVR_POL 360) 2022 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 376 International Environmental Law (also ENVR POL 390-0-22) 2022 Fall Electives
LEGAL ST 398-1 Advanced Research Seminar 2022 Fall Electives
LRN SCI 302 Social Contexts of Education (secs. 1and 2, also MS ED 402-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
MENA 290-3-20 Porous Borders? Geography, Power and Techniques of Movement (also, ANTHRO 390-0-23) 2022 Fall Electives
MENA 301-3 Traveling While Muslim: Islam, Mobility and Security after 9/11 (also ANTHRO 384) 2022 Fall Electives
MENA 390-6 Advanced Topics in MENA Studies: Modernism in the Time of Decolonization (sec.20, also COMP_LIT 302-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
MS ED 402 Social Contexts of Education (secs. 20 & 21, also LRN SCI 302-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
PHIL 150 Elementary Logic I 2022 Fall Electives
PHIL 224 Philosophy, Race and Racism 2022 Fall Electives
PHIL 262 Ethical Problems and Public Issues 2022 Fall Electives
PHIL 361 Topics in the Social and Political Philosophy (sec.20) 2022 Fall Electives
PHIL 273-1 The Brady Scholars Program: The Good Life 2022 Fall Electives
PHIL 373-1 The Brady Scholars Program: The Civically Engaged Life 2022 Fall Electives
PHIL 390 Philosophy of Law (sec. 20) 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 220 American Government and Politics 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 250 Introduction to Comparative Politics 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 301 Classical Political Theory 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 330 U.S. Refugee Policy & Localities (also LEGAL ST 330) 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 341 International Political Economy 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 344 U.S. Foreign Policy 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 345 National Security 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 347 Ethics in International Relations (also INTL_ST 390-0-21) 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 356 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (also LEGAL ST 356) 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 390 Ukraine's Long Fight for Independence (sec. 20, also INTL_ST 390-0-20 and SLAVIC 390) 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 390 Political Sociology (sec. 22, also SOCIOL 309-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
POLI SCI 395 Oligarchs and Elites (sec. 21) 2022 Fall Electives
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology 2022 Fall Electives
PSYCH 340 Psychology and Law (also LEGAL ST 350) 2022 Fall Electives
PSYCH 348 Psychology of Sex and Gender Differences 2022 Fall Electives
RELIGION 359 Traveling While Muslim: Islam, Mobility and Security after 9/11 (also MENA 301-3-20) 2022 Fall Electives
RELIGION 379 Religion, Culture and Resistance in the Carribean (sec. 20, also LATIN_AM 391-0-20 and AF_AM) 2022 Fall Electives
SESP 351 Magic, Monsters and the Holocaust 2022 Fall Electives
SLAVIC 390 Ukraine's Long Fight for Independence (sec. 1, also POLI_SCI 390-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation 2022 Fall Electives
SOC POL 351 Social Opportunity and Educational Policy (sec. 21) 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 110 Introduction to Sociology 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 201 Social Inequality: Race, Class and Power 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 206 Law and Society (also LEGAL ST 206) 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 208 Race and Society 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 215 Economy and Society 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 216 Gender & Society 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 277 Introduction to Native American Studies 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 306 Sociological Theory 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 307 School and Society 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 309 Political Sociology: Focus on Gender (sec. 1, also POLI SCI 390-0-20, GNDR ST 331-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 324 Global Capitalism 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 332 Work and Occupations: Gender, Work and Occupations (also GNDR ST 331) 2022 Fall Electives
SOCIOL 376 Race, Gender, Sex & Science: Making Identities and Differences (sec. 20, also GNDR_ST 332-0-21 and HUM 370) 2022 Fall Electives
STAT 210 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences 2022 Fall Electives
TEACH ED 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-20, MS ED 402-0-20) 2022 Fall Electives

Spring 2022 Electives

**To look up class meeting days and times please go to CAESAR**

Note that courses are subject to change. Last updated: 4/12/2022


AF_AM ST 212-1 Introduction to African-American History: Key concepts from 1700-1861 (also HISTORY 212-1-20) 2022 Spring Electives
AF_AM_ST 339 Unsettling Whiteness 2022 Spring Electives
AF_AM_ST 363 Racism in Western Modernity 2022 Spring Electives
AF_AM_ST 380 Topics in African-American Studies Topic: U.S. Foreign Policy Toward Africa (Sec. 21) 2022 Spring Electives
AF_AM_ST 380 Topics in African-American Studies Topic: Race, Sexuality and Religion (sec. 23 also REL 379-0-23) 2022 Spring Electives
AMER ST 310 Studies in American Culture (sec. 10, Topic: The Chicago Way, also ENGLISH 378-0-22) 2022 Spring Electives
AMER ST 310 Studies in American Culture (sec. 20, Topic: Press and Presidential Elections, also Poli_Sci 390-0-23) 2022 Spring Electives
AMER ST 310 Studies in American Culture (sec. 30, Topic: U. S. Gay and Lesbian History, also HISTORY 324-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
AMER ST 310 Studies in American Culture (sec. 40, Topic: Reality TV and Legal Theory, also Legal_ST 376-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
ANTHRO 390 Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain (sec. 26, also JWSH ST 390-0-3, MENA 390-6-20, SPANISH 397-0-2) 2022 Spring Electives
ART_HIST 395 Museums: Critical Reflections on Racial Violence 2022 Spring Electives
ASIAN AM 203 Topics in Asian-American Soc and Cultural Analysis (Topic: Asian American Activism: Art and Social Change) 2022 Spring Electives
ASIAN AM 214 Introduction Asian American History (also HIST 214-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
ASIAN LC 240 Introductory Topics in Korean Literature and Culture: The End of a World (sec. 20, also ENVR_POL 390-0-32, also COMP LIT 202-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
ASIAN LC 260 Introductory Topics in South Asian Literature and Culture (Topic: Midnight's Children) 2022 Spring Electives
BUS_INST 394-LK Prof. Linkage Seminar Topic: The Business of College Sport (sec. 23) 2022 Spring Electives
CIV ENV 302 Engineering Law 2022 Spring Electives
CIV ENV 395 Environmental Justice-Environmental Protection and Social Equity (sec. 22)  2022 Spring Electives
CLASSICS 212 Rome: Culture and Empire 2022 Spring Electives
CLASSICS 310 Archaeology of Ancient Mediterranean Topic: The Amazons: Warrior Women  2022 Spring Electives
COMM ST 302 Law of the Creative Process 2022 Spring Electives
COMM ST 395 Environmental Art and Advocacy 2022 Spring Electives
COMP LIT 202 Interpreting Culture (sec. 20, South Korean Fictions, Films, also ASIAN LC 240-0-20, also ENVR_POL 390-0-32) 2022 Spring Electives
COMP LIT 202 Interpreting Culture (sec. 22, Heart of Europe: Poland in the Twentieth Century, also SLAVIC 261-0-1) 2022 Spring Electives
COMP LIT 307 Studies in Gender, Sexuality & Representation (Feminist, Queer, Crip: South Korea, also ASIAN LC 340-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
COMP SCI 295 Introduction to Law and Digital Technologies (sec. 1) 2022 Spring Electives
DSGN 350 Intellectual Property and Innovation: Innovation & Invention (sec. 20) 2022 Spring Electives
ECON 325 Economic Growth and Development 2022 Spring Electives
ECON 339 Labor Economics 2022 Spring Electives
ECON 350 Monopoly, Competition, and Public Policy 2022 Spring Electives
ECON 372 Environmental Economics 2022 Spring Electives
ECON 323-2 Economic History of the United States 1865 to present 2022 Spring Electives
ENGLISH 378 Environmental Justice in the Black and Indigenous (also ENVR_POL 390-0-26) 2022 Spring Electives
ENGLISH 378 "The Chicago Way”: Urban Spaces and American Value (sec. 22) 2022 Spring Electives
ENGLISH 385 Topics in Combined Studies: Law and Literature (sec. 21) 2022 Spring Electives
ENGLISH 270-2 American Literary Traditions 2022 Spring Electives
ENVR POL 390 The End of a World: South Korean Fiction (sec. 20) also ASIAN LC 240, also COMP LIT 202-0-20 2022 Spring Electives
ENVR POL 390 Climate Change Law and Policy (sec.22) 2022 Spring Electives
ENVR POL 390 International Wildlife Law and Policy (sec. 23) 2022 Spring Electives
ENVR POL 390 Environmental Justice in the Black and Indigenous ( sec. 26 also ENGLISH 378) 2022 Spring Electives
ENVR POL  211 Food and Society: An Intro 2022 Spring Electives
FRENCH 340 Sexual Politics and the Ancient Regime: Dissidence and Desire in the 17th Century (sec. 20) 2022 Spring Electives
FRENCH 380 Political and Social Thought in France (Topic: How to change the world) 2022 Spring Electives
GBL HLTH 301 Introduction to International Public Health (sec. 20) 2022 Spring Electives
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 321 Gender, War, and Revolution in the 20th Century (sec. 20) 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 324 U.S. Gay and Lesbian History 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 331 Sociology of Gender/Sexuality Heterosexualities: Past, Present, and Future (also SOCIOL 376-0-21) 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 332 Gender, Sexuality, and Health Disability Justice: Feminism and Social sec 20 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 332 Gender, Sexuality, and Health Reproductive Health/Politics/Justice sec 21 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 332 Gender, Sexuality, and Health Race/Gender/Sex/Science sec. 24 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 341 Transnational Perspectives on Gender/Sexuality (also ASIAN LC 340-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 371 Gender Sexuality and Popular Culture Topic: New Media, Gender and Race (sec. 21) 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 381 Queer Theory 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 382 Race, Gender and Sexuality Topic: Gender, Race and the Holocaust (sec. 20 also HIST 393) 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 382 Race, Gender and Sexuality Topic: Women of Color Feminist Legacies (sec. 22) 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 382 Race, Gender, and Sexuality Topic: Race, Sexuality, and Religion in the Americas sec. 23 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 390 Latinx Feminisms (sec. 20) also LATINO 393-0-6 2022 Spring Electives
GNDR ST 350-4 Coalitional Politics &/in the Second Wave (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 321-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 200 American Religious History: WWII - Pres (sec.34 - also REL 265-0-20 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 200 Modern Israel: History, Politics, and Society, 1882-present (sec. 40) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 200 History of the American Family (sec. 36) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 200 Global History of Prisons and Camps (sec.  30) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 200 Age of Revolutions (sec. 28) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 200 Religion in Modern History (sec. 26) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 200 Historians in Trouble (sec. 24) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 214 Asian American History 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 300 Evolution of Chicago 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 300 Life Under Communism 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 300 Conscience and Counterculture: The American Jewish 1960's (sec. 40, also JWSH ST 390-0-2) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 324 US Gay and Lesbian History (sec. 60, also GNDR ST 324-0-21) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 340 Gender, War, and Revolution in the 20th Century (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 321-0-22) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 393 Race, Gender and Sexuality Topic: Gender, Race and the Holocaust (sec. 20 - also GNDR ST 382-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 212-1 Introduction to African-American History: Key concepts from 1700-1861 (also AF AM ST 212-1-20) 2022 Spring Electives
HISTORY 386-3 History of Contemporary Southeast Asia Since 1945  2022 Spring Electives
HUM 220 Health, Biomed, Culture & Society 2022 Spring Electives
HUM 370-3 Archiving the Barrio: The Politics of Memory in Puerto Rican Chicago (sec. 21) 2022 Spring Electives
HUM 370-5 Race/Gender/Sex & Science: Identities…. (sec. 20) 2022 Spring Electives
HUM 370-5 Integrity and the Politics of Corruption (sec. 22- also POLI_SCI 390-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
HUM 370-6 Digital Performances in the Era of Virality (sec. 50) 2022 Spring Electives
IEMS 303 Statistics 2022 Spring Electives
IMC 305 Message Strategy and Persuasive Communications 2022 Spring Electives
IMC 310 IMC: Law, Policy and Ethics  2022 Spring Electives
INTL ST 290 Foreign Aid and the U.S. Foreign Policy 2022 Spring Electives
INTL ST 390 Fall of the USSR and Rise of Russia (sec. 20, 21, also SLAVIC 390-0-1,2) 2022 Spring Electives
JEWISH STUDIES 390 Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain (sec. 3, also ANTHRO 390-0-26, MENA 390-6-20, SPANISH 397-0-2) 2022 Spring Electives
JEWISH STUDIES 390 Conscience and Counter-Culture: The American Jewish 1960's (sec. 2) 2022 Spring Electives
JEWISH STUDIES 390 Water in Arid Lands: Israel and the Middle East (sec. 1, also CIV_ENV 395-0-25 and ENVR_POL 390-0-25) 2022 Spring Electives
JEWISH STUDIES 280-4 Non-Jews in the Jewish State: Ethnic and …. (sec 3) 2022 Spring Electives
JOUR 301 Police, Race, and Community (sec. 24) 2022 Spring Electives
JOUR 302 Analyzing the History and Evolution (secs. 22 and 23) 2022 Spring Electives
JOUR 367 Native American Environmental Issues and the Media 2022 Spring Electives
JOUR 370 Media Law & Ethics 2022 Spring Electives
LATINO 222 Latino/Latina Youth in U. S. Cities 2022 Spring Electives
LATINO 392 Topics in Latino Studies: Undocumented Immigration in the US (sec. 4) 2022 Spring Electives
LATINO 392 Topics in Latino Studies: Archiving the Barrio: Politics of Memory in Puerto Rican Chicago (sec 6, also 370-3-21) 2022 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 207 Legal Studies Research Methods 2022 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 315 Corporation in US Law and Culture 2022 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 376 Reality TV and Legal Theory 2022 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 394-LK Human Rights & US Refugee Law 2022 Spring Electives
LEGAL ST 394-LK Lawyering: Education and Practice  2022 Spring Electives
MENA 290-4 Islam, Gender,  &Minorities in Turkey & the Middle East (sec. 20, also ANTHRO 290-0-23) 2022 Spring Electives
MENA 390-6 Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain (sec. 20, also ANTHRO 390-0-26, JWSH ST 390-0-3, SPANISH 397-0-2) 2022 Spring Electives
MMSS 211-3 Social Science Theories & Meth-First Yr (sec. 1) 2022 Spring Electives
MUSICOL 355 Music Under The Totalitarian State (sec. 1, also GERMAN 326-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
PHIL 269 Bioethics 2022 Spring Electives
PHIL 326 Philosophy of Medicine 2022 Spring Electives
PHIL 210-3 History of Philosophy - Early Modern 2022 Spring Electives
PHIL 273-3 The Brady Scholars Program: The Good Society (sec. 20, 21) 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 201 Introduction to Political Theory 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 220 American Government and Politics 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 240 Introduction to International Relations 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 348 Globalization 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 350 Social Movements 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 359 Politics of Africa 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 389 Understanding Genocide 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 390 Integrity and the Politics of Corruption (sec. 23 - also HUM  370-5) 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 390 Press and Presidential Elections (also, AMER ST 310-0-20) 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 390 The Press & Presidential Elections (sec. 22) 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 395 Black Political Thought (sec. 20) 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 395 Non-State Armed Groups (sec. 26) 2022 Spring Electives
POLI SCI 395 Wealth and Power in America (sec. 22) 2022 Spring Electives
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology 2022 Spring Electives
RELIGION 379 Race, Sexuality, and Religion (sec. 23) 2022 Spring Electives
RELIGION  265 American Religious History: WWII - Pres 2022 Spring Electives
SESP 320 Race and Education 2022 Spring Electives
SESP 324 Pedagogies for History and Injustice: Holocaust Education Design 2022 Spring Electives
SESP 351 Magic, Monsters, and The Holocaust: Designing for… (sec. 22) 2022 Spring Electives
SESP 351 Race, Adolescence and School Discipline (sec. 20) 2022 Spring Electives
SLAVIC 390 Fall of the USSR and Rise of Russia (sec. 1, 2, also INTL ST 390-0-20, 21) 2022 Spring Electives
SLAVIC 210-3 Introduction to Russian Literature: Literature and Ethics (sec. 1) 2022 Spring Electives
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation 2022 Spring Electives
SOC POL 351 Women and American Political Leadership 2022 Spring Electives
SOC POL 351 Quantitive Tools for Modern Problems 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 110 Introduction to Sociology 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 202 Social Problems 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 208 Race and Society 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 211 Food & Society: An Intro 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 216 Gender & Society 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 227 Legal Studies Research Methods 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 276 Race/Gender/Sex & Science: Identities…. (sec. 20) 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 306 Sociological Theory 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 334 Social Protest & Change (Wrld) also POLI_SCI 350-0-20 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 355 Medical Sociology  2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 376 Race, Gender, Sex & Science: Making Identities and Differences (sec. 20) 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 376 The Gang 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 379 Understanding Genocide 2022 Spring Electives
SOCIOL 392 Science and the Public 2022 Spring Electives
SPANISH 201 Conversation on Human Rights: Latin America 2022 Spring Electives
SPANISH 397 Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain (sec. 3, also ANTHRO 390-0-26, JWSH ST 390-0-3, MENA 390-6-20) 2022 Spring Electives
SPANISH 397 Race Across Time in Latin America (sec. 3, also ANTHRO 390-0-23, LATIN AM 391-0-21) 2022 Spring Electives
STAT 210 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences 2022 Spring Electives

Winter 2022 Electives

**To look up class meeting days and times please go to CAESAR**

Note that courses are subject to change. Last updated: 11/5/21

AF_AM_ST 360 James Baldwin and Black Political Thought (also HISTORY 300-0-32) 2022 Winter Electives
AMER ST 310 Bad News (sec. 10, also POLI SCI 390-0-21) 2022 Winter Electives
AMER ST 310 Parks+Pipeline: Indigenous Environmental Justice (sec. 30, also ENVR POL 390-0-27, HUM 325-4-20) 2022 Winter Electives
ANTHRO 307 Anthropology of Peace (sec 20) 2022 Winter Electives
ANTHRO 390 Queer Criminality and Political Transgression (sec. 29, also GNDR ST 353-0-20, POLI SCI 390-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
ASIAN AM 216 Global Asians (sec. 20, also HISTORY 216-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
ASIAN AM 225 Contemporary Issues in Asian American Communities: Refugee Aesthetics (sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
ASIAN AM 303 Abolition and Transformative Justice 2022 Winter Electives
ASIAN AM 380 Sex Work in Asian America (also GNDR ST 382-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
ASIAN LC 300 Religion and Politics in the PRC (sec. 21, also RELIGION 318-0-22) 2022 Winter Electives
ASIAN LC 390 Buddhist Cultures and the Rhetoric of Violence (sec. 20, also RELIGION 319-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
CFS 394 Legal Field Studies 2022 Winter Electives
CIV ENV 395 Energy Law & Policy (sec. 23) 2022 Winter Electives
CLASSICS 211 Greek History and Culture: From Homer to Alexander the Great 2022 Winter Electives
COG SCI 202 Evaluating Evidence (sec. 20, also POLI SCI 212-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
COMM ST 392 Global Culture, Commerce and Communication (sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
COMM ST 395 Media, Movements and Social Change 2022 Winter Electives
COMM ST 324-1 Rhetoric of  U.S. Women's Rights, Colonial to 1920 2022 Winter Electives
COMP LIT 202 Gender & Revolution in Soviet Russian Culture (sec. 20, also SLAVIC 211-1-1) 2022 Winter Electives
COMP LIT 207 Introduction to Critical Theory 2022 Winter Electives
COMP LIT 307 Studies in Gender, Sexuality & Representation (also ITALIAN 377-0-21) 2022 Winter Electives
ECON 324 Western Economic History 2022 Winter Electives
ECON 342 Economics of Gender 2022 Winter Electives
ECON 350 Monopoly, Competition, and Public Policy 2022 Winter Electives
ECON 351 Law and Economics 2022 Winter Electives
ENGLISH 368 Human Rights Redacted: Literature, Statelessness (sec. 21) 2022 Winter Electives
ENGLISH 385 Civil Rights to BLM: Protest Lit & Music (sec. 23) 2022 Winter Electives
ENVR POL 309 American Environmental History 2022 Winter Electives
ENVR POL 390 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (sec. 29, also GBL HLTH 390-0-24) 2022 Winter Electives
ENVR POL 390 Ocean and Coastal Law and Policy (sec. 21) 2022 Winter Electives
ENVR POL 390 Parks+Pipeline: Indigenous Environmental Justice (sec. 27, also HUM 325-4-20, AMER ST 310-0-30) 2022 Winter Electives
GBL HLTH 301 Introduction to International Public Health (sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics 2022 Winter Electives
GBL HLTH 325 History of Reproductive Health (sec. 1) 2022 Winter Electives
GBL HLTH 390 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (sec. 24, also ENVR POL 390-0-29) 2022 Winter Electives
GBL HLTH 390 Native Nations, Healthcare Systems, and U.S. Policy (sec. 22) 2022 Winter Electives
GERMAN 248 Learning Diversity: Germany and Global Migration (sec. 1) 2022 Winter Electives
GERMAN 349 History of the Holocaust (also HISTORY 349) 2022 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 353 Queer Criminality and Political Transgression (sec. 20, also ANTHRO 390-0-29, POLI SCI 390-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
GNDR ST 382 Sex Work in Asian America (also ASIAN AM 380-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 200 Hamilton's America (sec. 24, also LATINO 391-0-1) 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 216 Global Asians (sec. 20, also ASIAN AM 216-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 300 History of Capitalism (sec. 26) 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 300 James Baldwin and Black Political Thought (sec. 32 also AF AM ST 360-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 305 American Immigration (also LEGAL ST 305) 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 305 American Immigration (also LEGAL ST 305) 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 319 History of US Foreign Relations 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 337 History of Modern Europe 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 349 History of the Holocaust (also GERMAN 349) 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 201-1 Europe in the Medieval and Early Modern World 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 203-3 Jewish History 1789-1948 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 271-3 History Of The Modern Middle East, 1789 To Present (also MENA 290-4-20) 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 322-2 Development of the Modern American City: 1880-Present 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 342-2 History of Modern France: 19th c. to present (sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
HISTORY 381-3 China in Reform: History of the Present (sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
HUM 325-4 Parks+Pipeline: Indigenous Environmental Justice (sec. 27, also ENVR POL 390-0-27, AMER ST 310-0-30) 2022 Winter Electives
HUM 370-6 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 20, also LEGAL ST 376-0-20, RTVF 377-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
IEMS 303 Statistics 2022 Winter Electives
IMC 305 Message Strategy and Persuasive Communications 2022 Winter Electives
IMC 306 Strategic Communications 2022 Winter Electives
IMC 310 Integrated Marketing and Communication Law, Policy and Ethics 2022 Winter Electives
INTL ST 390 Dilemmas of American Power (sec. 20, also JOUR 353-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
INTL ST 390 Politics of International Law (sec. 21, also LEGAL ST 376-0-21, POLI SCI 343-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
ITALIAN 377 Studies in Gender, Sexuality & Representation (also COMP LIT 307-0-1) 2022 Winter Electives
JOUR 301 Social Change and Urban Dynamics (sec. 23) 2022 Winter Electives
JOUR 302 Watergate's Legacy: The Press and the Presidency (sec. 21) 2022 Winter Electives
JOUR 303 Framed: Media and the Marginal (sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
JOUR 352 Politics, Media, and the Republic (sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
JOUR 353 Dilemmas of American Power (sec. 20, INTL_ST 390-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
JOUR 370 Media Law & Ethics 2022 Winter Electives
JOUR 384 Covering Washington DC As a Mobile Journalist 2022 Winter Electives
JOUR 390 Social Justice Investigations Primer (sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
LATINO 391 Hamilton's America (sec. 1, also HISTORY 200-0-24) 2022 Winter Electives
LATINO 392 Latino Politics (sec. 1, also POLI SCI 334) 2022 Winter Electives
LATINO 392 Violence, the Body, and Resistance (sec. 2) 2022 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 206 Law and Society (also SOCIOL 206) 2022 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 305 American Immigration (also HISTORY 305) 2022 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 308 Sociology of Law (also SOCIOL 318) 2022 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 309 Political Theories of the Rule of Law (also POLI SCI 309) 2022 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 332 Constitutional Law I (also POLI SCI 332) 2022 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 376 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 20, also HUM 370-6-22, RTVF 377 sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 376 Politics of International Law (sec. 21, also INTL ST 390-0-21, POLI SCI 343-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 381 Children and the Law (also PSYCH 381) 2022 Winter Electives
LEGAL ST 398-2 Advanced Research Seminar II 2022 Winter Electives
LING 222 Language, Politics, & Identity (sec. 20, also SLAVIC 222) 2022 Winter Electives
LRN SCI 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also MS ED 402-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
MENA 290-4 History Of The Modern Middle East, 1789 To Present (also HISTORY 271-3) 2022 Winter Electives
MENA 390-3 Politics of the Middle East (also POLI SCI 351) 2022 Winter Electives
MS ED 402 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
PHIL 110 Introduction to Philosophy 2022 Winter Electives
PHIL 220 Introduction to Critical Theory 2022 Winter Electives
PHIL 224 Philosophy, Race, and Racism 2022 Winter Electives
PHIL 250 Elementary Logic II 2022 Winter Electives
PHIL 261 Introduction to Political Philosophy 2022 Winter Electives
PHIL 262 Ethical Problems and Public Issues 2022 Winter Electives
PHIL 273-2 The Brady Scholars Program: The Moral Life 2022 Winter Electives
PHIL 373-1 The Brady Scholars Program: The Civically Engaged Life 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 212 Evaluating Evidence (sec. 20, also COG SCI 202-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 220 American Government and Politics 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 240 Introduction to International Relations 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 250 Introduction to Comparative Politics 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 309 Political Theories of the Rule of Law (also LEGAL ST 309) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 321 Urban Politics 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 323 Public Opinion and Voting Behavior 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 332 Constitutional Law I (also LEGAL ST 332) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 334 Latino Politics (also LATINO 392-0-1) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 336 Immigration Politics and Policy 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 341 International Political Economy 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 343 Politics of International Law (sec.20, also LEGAL ST 376-0-21, INTL ST 390-0-21) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 351 Politics of the Middle East (also MENA 390-3) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 369 Politics of Post-Soviet Russia 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 382 Politics of Religious Diversity (sec. 20, also RELIGION 379-0-21) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 390 Bad News (sec. 21, also AMER ST 310-0-10) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 390 Human's Rights (and Wrongs) (sec. 24) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 390 Queer Criminality and Political Transgression (sec. 20, also ANTHRO 390-0-29, GNDR ST 353-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 394 Politics & The Presidency 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 395 Action Research in Refugee Studies (sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 395 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (sec. 22) 2022 Winter Electives
POLI SCI 395 Racial Politics in American Cities (sec. 23) 2022 Winter Electives
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology 2022 Winter Electives
PSYCH 381 Children and the Law (also LEGAL ST 381) 2022 Winter Electives
RELIGION 318 Religion and Politics in the PRC (sec. 23, also ASIAN LC 300-0-21) 2022 Winter Electives
RELIGION  319 Buddhist Cultures and the Rhetoric of Violence (sec. 20, also ASIAN LC 390-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
RELIGION  379 Politics of Religious Diversity (sec. 21, also POLI SCI 382-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
RTVF 314 History of Recording Industry (sec. 20, also SAI 400-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
RTVF 360 Writing the Procedural (sec. 21) 2022 Winter Electives
RTVF 377 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 20, also HUM 370-6-22, LEGAL ST 376-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
SAI 400 History of Recording Industry (sec. 20, also RTVF 314-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
SESP 204 Designing for Social Change 2022 Winter Electives
SESP 320 Race and Education 2022 Winter Electives
SLAVIC 222 Language, Politics, & Identity (also LING 222) 2022 Winter Electives
SLAVIC 211-1 Gender & Revolution in Soviet Russian Culture (sec. 1, also COMP LIT 202-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation 2022 Winter Electives
SOC POL 313 Race, Inequality, and the Political Analysis of Public Policy (sec. 20) 2022 Winter Electives
SOC POL 331 Economics of Inequality and Discrimination 2022 Winter Electives
SOC POL 333 Economics of Health, Human Capital, and Happiness 2022 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 110 Introduction to Sociology 2022 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 202 Social Problems 2022 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 206 Law and Society (also LEGAL ST 206) 2022 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 276 Neighborhoods and Crime 2022 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations 2022 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 306 Sociological Theory 2022 Winter Electives
SOCIOL 318 Sociology of Law (also LEGAL ST 308) 2022 Winter Electives
SPANISH 201 Conversation on Human Rights: Latin America 2022 Winter Electives
STAT 210 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences 2022 Winter Electives
TEACH ED 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-20, MS ED 402-0-20) 2022 Winter Electives

Fall 2021 Electives

**To look up class meeting days and times please go to CAESAR**

Note that courses are subject to change. Last updated: 8/12/21

Department Course Number Course Title
AF AM ST 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (also HISTORY 212-2-20)
AF AM ST 220 Civil Rights and Black Liberation
AF AM ST 245 The Black Diaspora and Transnationality 
AF AM ST 380 Topics in African-American Studies (sec. 21)
AF ST 390 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective
AMER ST 310 Asian American Digital Cultures (also ASIAN AM 303-0-20)
AMER ST 310 Sex & the American Empire: Journalism & Frames of (sec. 21, also GNDR ST 390-0-20, JOUR 390-0-20)
ANTHRO 316 Forensic Anthropology
ANTHRO 390 American Suburbias: Race, Class, and Placemaking (sec. 21)
ANTHRO 390 Political Ecology (sec. 23, also ENVR POL 390-0-21)
ANTHRO 390 Ethnography of Spain (sec. 26)
ASIAN AM 210 Introduction to Asian American Studies
ASIAN AM 303 Asian American Digital Cultures (also AMER ST 310-0-20)
ASIAN AM 376 Introduction to South Asian Literature (sec. 2)
ASIAN LC 240 Introductory Topics in Korean Literature and Cultures
ASIAN LC 300 Grassroots Revolt in China Today
CFS 394 Legal Field Studies
CFS 394-2 Contemporary Issues in Law (sec. 2)
CIV ENV 303 Environmental Law and Policy
CIV ENV 368 Sustainability: The City
CLASSICS 320 Sophocles in Athens, Greek and Roman History
COMM ST 205 Theories of Persuasion (sec. 16, 20)
COMM ST 315 Rhetoric of Social Movements
COMM ST 340 Community Integration of Labelled People
COMP LIT 302 Law, Literature, & the Question of Justice
COMP SCI 396 Computing, Ethics, and Society (sec. 2)
ECON 323-2 Economic History of the United States 1865 to Present
ECON 324 Western Economic History
ECON 326 The Economics of Developing Countries
ECON 337 Economics of State and Local Governments
ECON 339 Labor Economics
ECON 342 Economics of Gender
ENGLISH 300 Ideas of Justice (sec. 20)
ENGLISH 368 Imaginary Homelands: Introduction to South Asian Lit in English
ENVR POL 390 Political Ecology (sec. 21, also ANTHRO 390-0-23)
ENVR POL 390 International Environmental Law and Policy (sec. 24, also LEGAL ST 376-0-20)
FRENCH 384 Postwar France through Marguerite Duras
GBL HLTH 301 Introduction to International Public Health (sec. 20, 21)
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics
GBL HLTH 325 History of Reproductive Health
GBL HLTH 390 Hazards, Disasters, and Society (sec. 25)
GBL HLTH 390 Environmental Justice (sec. 26)
GERMAN 230 Berlin & Culture of Democracy
GNDR ST 321 US Women's History 1865-Present (sec. 21, also HISTORY 303-2-20)
GNDR ST 332 Health Activism (sec. 20)
GNDR ST 340 Gender, Sexuality, and the Law (also LEGAL ST 340-0-20)
GNDR ST 352 Intro to Foucault (sec. 20)
GNDR ST 353 Deportation Law & Politics (sec. 20, also POLI SCI 307-0-20)
GNDR ST 380 Black Feminist Theory
GNDR ST 381 Queer Theory
GNDR ST 390 Sex and the American Empire: Journalism and Frames (also JOUR 390-0-20, AMER ST 310-0-21)
HISTORY 200 Propaganda: The Power of Lies (sec. 24)
HISTORY 201-2 Europe in the Modern World
HISTORY 203-2 Jewish History 1492-1789
HISTORY 210-1 History of the United States, Precolonial to the Civil War
HISTORY 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (also AF AM ST 212-2)
HISTORY 218 Latina and Latino History
HISTORY 250-2 Global History: The Modern World
HISTORY 262 Pirates, Guns, and Empires
HISTORY 292 Witches, Heretics, and Demons (sec. 20, also RELIGION 386-0-21)
HISTORY 300 Red Power: Indigenous Resistance in the US & Canada (sec. 20, also HUM 370-4-20)
HISTORY 300 Independence, Social Change & Revolution in Cuba (sec. 22)
HISTORY 303-2 American Women's History, since 1865 (also GNDR ST 321-0-21)
HISTORY 343 Modern Italy
HISTORY 344-2 Germany Since 1945
HISTORY 393 Holocaust Restorative Justice (sec. 22)
HUM 210 Protest! (sec. 40)
HUM 370 Red Power: Indigenous Resistance in the US & Canada (also HISTORY 300-0-20)
IEMS 303 Statistics (sec. 21, 22)
INTL ST 390 Controlling the Russian Narrative, Stalin to Putin
ISEN 230 Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethical Dimensions
JOUR 301 Documentary Scrabble: Chicago Edition (sec. 20)
JOUR 301 Chicago Divided: North Side vs. South Side, Cubs v Sox (sec. 21)
JOUR 302 Propaganda, Persuasion & Journalism (sec. 22)
JOUR 367 Native American Environmental Issues and the Media
JOUR 370 Media Law and Ethics
JOUR 390 Sex and the American Empire: Journalism and Frames (sec. 20, also AMER ST 310-0-21, GNDR ST 390-0-20)
LATINO 201 Introduction to Latina and Latino Studies
LATINO 218 Latina & Latino History
LATINO 342 Black Brown Intersections
LEGAL ST 340 Gender, Sexuality, and the Law (also GNDR ST 340-0-20)
LEGAL ST 376 International Environmental Law (also ENVR POL 390-0-24)
PHIL 150 Elementary Logic I
PHIL 210-1 History of Philosophy - Ancient
PHIL 260 Introduction to Moral Philosophy
PHIL 269 Bioethics
PHIL 273-1 The Brady Scholars Program: The Good Life
PHIL 315 Studies in French Philosophy: Michel Foucault (sec. 20,21)
PHIL 373-1 The Brady Scholars Program: The Civically Engaged Life
POLI SCI 201 Introduction to Political Theory
POLI SCI 230 Introduction to Law in the Political Arena
POLI SCI 250 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLI SCI 303 Modernity and Its Discontents
POLI SCI 307 Deportation Law and Politics (also GNDR ST 353-0-20)
POLI SCI 320 The American Presidency
POLI SCI 330 U.S. Refugee Policy & Localities
POLI SCI 344 U.S. Foreign Policy
POLI SCI 345 National Security
POLI SCI 356 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective
POLI SCI 368 Political Economy of Development
POLI SCI 377 Drugs and Politics
POLI SCI 390 International Environmental Law
POLI SCI 394 Politics & The Presidency
POLI SCI 395 Non-State Armed Groups (sec. 20)
POLI SCI 395 Public Opinion and Representation in the United States (sec. 21)
POLI SCI 395 Criminal Justice Politics & Policy in the US (sec. 22)
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology
PSYCH 340 Psychology and Law
RELIGION  379 Science Fiction & Social Justice
RELIGION  386 Witches, Heretics, and Demons (sec. 21, also HISTORY 292-0-20)
RTVF 360 Writing Political/Revolutionary Drama (sec. 26)
SESP 323 Trauma and Atrocity: Holocaust Memory, Memorials and Museums
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation
SOC POL 351 Social Opportunity and Educational Policy (sec. 21)
SOC POL 351 Intersectionality, Measurement and Public Policy (sec. 22)
SOCIOL 110 Intro to Sociology
SOCIOL 206 Law and Society
SOCIOL 208 Race and Society
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations
SOCIOL 306 Sociological Theory
SOCIOL 324 Global Capitalism
SPANISH 201 Conversation on Human Rights: Latin America (sec. 1, 2)
STAT 210 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences

Spring 2021 Electives

**To look up class meeting days and times please go to CAESAR**

Note that courses are subject to change. Last updated: 4/5/21

Department Course Number Course Title
AF AM ST 339 Unsettling Whiteness
AF AM ST 380 Introduction to Black Political Thought
AF AM ST 212-1 Introduction to African-American History: Key concepts from 1700-1861 (also HISTORY 212-1-20)
AMER ST 310 Natural Disasters (sec. 20, also ENVR POL 390-0-29)
AMER ST 310 US Media Representations of the Middle East (sec. 22, also ASIAN AM 303-0-2, MENA 390-3-22)
ANTHRO 290 Beyond the Binary:  Transgender & Race (sec. 22, also GNDR ST 235-020)
ANTHRO 290 Islam, Gender, & Minorities in Turkey & the Middle East (sec. 23, also MENA 290-3-20)
ANTHRO 307 Anthropology of Peace
ANTHRO 373 Power and Culture in American Cities
ANTHRO 390 Fire and Blood: Political Ecologies of the Environment (sec. 27, also ENVR POL 390-0-27, HUM 370-3-20)
ANTHRO 390 Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain (sec. 26, also JWSH ST 390-0-3, MENA 390-6-20, SPANISH 397-0-2)
ANTHRO 390 Porous Borders? Geography, Power and Techniques (sec. 25, also MENA 390-3-20)
ANTHRO 390 Race Across Time in Latin America (sec. 23, also SPANISH 397-0-3, LATIN AM 391-0-21)
ASIAN AM 214 Introduction to Asian American History
ASIAN AM 220 Asian Americans & Third World Solidarity (sec. 1)
ASIAN AM 303 Interracial Encounters (sec. 3, also ENGLISH 385-0-22)
ASIAN AM 303 US Media Representations of the Middle East (sec. 2, also AMER ST 310-0-22, MENA 390-3-22)
ASIAN AM 360 Studies in Race, Gender, and Sexuality: Pleasure Activism (sec. 1)
ASIAN LC 290 Buddhist Cultures and the Rhetoric of Violence (sec. 20, also RELIGION 318-0-22)
ASIAN LC 375 Politics of Exclusion: Caste and Race in India and… (sec. 20, also COMP LIT 306-0-1)
BUS INST 394-LK Ethics and Leadership (sec. 2) 
CIV ENV 302 Engineering Law
CIV ENV 395 Climate Energy Law & Policy (sec. 23)
CIV ENV 395 Environmental Justice (sec. 22)
CIV ENV 395 Water in Israel and the Middle East: Resilience, Sustainability, Security (sec. 25, also JWSH ST 390-0-1)
CLASSICS 212 Rome: Culture and Empire (sec. 1)
CLASSICS 320 Greek and Roman History: The Foundation of Rome through Legends and Objects (sec. 1)
COMM ST 205 Theories of Persuasion
COMM ST 380 Political Communication
COMM ST 395 Communication and Misinformation (sec. 20)
COMM ST 395 Science, Policy, & Communication (sec. 22)
COMP LIT 205 Gender, Politics, and Philosophy (sec. 1, also GNDR ST 233-0-20, PHIL 221-0-20)
COMP LIT 205 Reading Difference: Gender, Politics & Philosophy  (sec. 1)
COMP LIT 306 Politics of Exclusion: Caste and Race in India and... (sec. 1, also ASIAN LC 375-0-20)
COMP SCI 295 Introduction to Law and Digital Technologies (sec. 1)
DSGN 350 Intellectual Property and Innovation: Innovation & Invention (sec. 20)
ECON 325 Economic Growth and Development
ECON 339 Labor Economics
ECON 350 Monopoly, Competition, and Public Policy
ECON 372 Environmental Economics
ECON 323-1 Economic History of the United States Before 1865
ENGLISH 368 Writing Human Rights (sec. 20)
ENGLISH 378 "The Chicago Way”: Urban Spaces and American Value (sec. 22)
ENGLISH 378 Environmental Justice in Black and Indigenous Womens' Literature (sec. 21, also ENVR POL 390-0-22)
ENGLISH 385 Interracial Encounters (sec. 22, also ASIAN AM 303-0-3)
ENGLISH 385 Law & Literature (sec. 20)
ENGLISH 385 Writing Gay Men's Lives (sec. 21, also GNDR ST 361-0-20)
ENGLISH 386 Fake news: Journalists as Storytellers, Sinners, & Saints (sec. 22)
ENGLISH 386 Gender & Horror (sec. 21, also GNDR ST 373-0-21)
ENVR POL 390 Environmental Justice in Black and Indigenous Womens' Literature (sec. 22, also ENGLISH 378-0-21)
ENVR POL 390 Fire and Blood: Political Ecologies of the Environment (sec. 27, also ANTHRO 390-0-27, HUM 370-3-20)
ENVR_POL 390 Becoming Planetary: Earth, Power and Imagination (sec. 26)
ENVR POL 390 International Environmental Politics (sec. 21)
ENVR POL 390 Natural Disasters (sec. 29, also AMER ST 310-0-20)
ENVR POL 390 Ocean and Coastal Law and Policy (sec. 28)
FRENCH 340 Sexual Politics and the Ancient Regime: Dissidence and Desire in the 17th Century (sec. 20)
GBL HLTH 301 Introduction to International Public Health (sec. 21)
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics
GBL HLTH 325 History of Reproductive Health (sec. 1)
GBL HLTH 390 Native Nations, Healthcare Systems, and U.S. Policy (sec. 24)
GERMAN 230 Berlin & Culture of Democracy (sec. 1)
GERMAN 321-1 Reason, Revolution, & Despair: 1800-1900 (sec. 1)
GNDR ST 233 Gender, Politics, and Philosophy (sec. 20, also COMP LIT 205-0-1, PHIL 221-0-20)
GNDR ST 235 Beyond the Binary:  Transgender & Race (sec. 20, also ANTHRO 290-0-22)
GNDR ST 321 Coalitional Politics &/in the Second Wave (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 350-4-20)
GNDR ST 321 Gender, War, and Revolution in the 20th Century (sec. 22, HISTORY 340-0-20)
GNDR ST 324 US Gay and Lesbian History (sec. 21, also HISTORY 324-0-60)
GNDR ST 331 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality: Families, Communities, Markets, States (sec. 21, also SOCIOL 356-0-20)
GNDR ST 332 Gender-Based Violence, Power, & the Carceral State (sec. 21, also LEGAL ST 376-0-22, SOCIOL 376-0-1)
GNDR ST 361 Writing Gay Men's Lives (sec. 20, also ENGLISH 385-0-21)
GNDR ST 373 Gender & Horror (sec. 21, also ENGLISH 386-0-21)
GNDR ST 382 Gender, Race and the Holocaust (sec. 20, also HISTORY 393-0-25)
GNDR ST 382 Race, Gender, & Sexuality: Gender, Race, and the Holocaust (sec. 20)
GNDR ST 390 Latinx Feminisms (sec. 20, also LATINO 392-0-2)
GNDR ST 390 Topics in Gender and Sexuality Studies: Everyday Resistance and Reimagination (sec. 21)
GNDR ST 350-4 Coalitional Politics &/in the Second Wave (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 321-0-20)
HISTORY 200 American Religious History from WWII to the Present (sec. 22)
HISTORY 200 Modern Israel: History, Politics, and Society, 1882-present (sec. 24, also JWSH ST 280-4-2)
HISTORY 200 Transgender History (sec. 20)
HISTORY 214 Asian American History
HISTORY 300 Conscience and Counterculture: The American Jewish 1960's (sec. 40, also JWSH ST 390-0-2)
HISTORY 300 Development of American Indian Law & Policy (sec. 34, also LEGAL ST 376-0-30, HUM 370-4-30)
HISTORY 300 History of Capitalism (sec. 20)
HISTORY 300 Making Drugs in the Americas (sec. 22)
HISTORY 300 Salvation & Racialization in Latin America (sec. 30, also RELIGION 386-0-20)
HISTORY 300 Second World War in Europe (sec. 28)
HISTORY 324 US Gay and Lesbian History (sec. 60, also GNDR ST 324-0-21)
HISTORY 340 Gender, War, and Revolution in the 20th Century (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 321-0-22)
HISTORY 357 East Africa
HISTORY 392 Prison Nation: The Rise of Mass Incarceration in the US (sec. 26)
HISTORY 393 Frontiers, Borderlands, and Nationalisms (sec. 24)
HISTORY 393 Gender, Race and the Holocaust (sec. 25, also GNDR_ST 382-0-20)
HISTORY 395 Social History of U. S. Housing (sec. 26)
HISTORY 203-1 Jewish History 750-1492
HISTORY 212-1 Introduction to African-American History: Key concepts from 1700-1861 (also AF AM ST 212-1-20)
HISTORY 303-1 American Women's History, to 1865 
HISTORY 386-3 History of Contemporary Southeast Asia Since 1945 
HUM 370-3 Fire and Blood: Political Ecologies of the Environment (sec. 20, also ANTHRO 390-0-27, ENVR POL 390-0-27)
HUM 370-4 Development of American Indian Law & Policy (sec. 30, also HISTORY 300-0-34, LEGAL ST 376-0-30)
IEMS 303 Statistics
IMC 305 Message Strategy and Persuasive Communications
IMC 306 Strategic Communications
IMC 311 Digital Data: Privacy and Governance (sec. 20, also IMC 414-0-20)
IMC 414 Digital Data: Privacy and Governance (sec. 20, also IMC 311-0-20)
INTL ST 290 Foreign Aid and the U.S. Foreign Policy (sec. 20, 21)
INTL ST 390 Fall of the USSR and Rise of Russia (sec. 20, 21, also SLAVIC 390-0-1,2)
INTL ST 390 Refugee Crises and Human Rights (sec. 22, also LEGAL ST 380, POLI SCI 380)
INTL ST 395 Law, Empire, and the Creation of Southeast Asia (sec. 20)
JOUR 301 Chicago Divided: North Side vs. South Side, Cubs v Sox (sec. 24)
JOUR 301 Environmental Reporting in a High Stakes Climate (sec. 23, 23A)
JOUR 301 Journalism in Practice: Connecting with Immigrants, Refugees and Multi-eth... (sec. 22)
JOUR 301 Police, Race and Community (sec. 27)
JOUR 301 Social Change and Urban Dynamics (sec. 21)
JOUR 370 Media Law and Ethics (sec. 20, 21)
JOUR 373 Investigative Journalism
JOUR 390 Watergate's Legacy: The Press and the Presidency (sec. 25)
JWSH ST 390 Conscience and Counterculture: The American Jewish 1960's (sec. 2, also HISTORY 300-0-40)
JWSH ST 390 Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain (sec. 3, also ANTHRO 390-0-26, MENA 390-6-20, SPANISH 397-0-2)
JWSH ST 390 Water in Israel and the Middle East: Resilience, Sustainability, Security (sec. 1, also CIV ENV 395-0-25)
JWSH ST 280-4-2 Modern Israel: History, Politics, and Society, 1882-present (sec. 2, also HISTORY 200-0-24)
LATIN AM 391 Race Across Time in Latin America (sec. 21, also ANTHRO 390-0-23, SPANISH 397-0-3)
LATINO 392 Latinx Feminisms (sec. 2, also GNDR ST 390-0-20)
LATINO 392 Violence, the Body, and Resistance (sec. 1)
LEGAL ST 207 Legal Studies Research Methods (also SOCIOL 227)
LEGAL ST 333 Constitutional Law II (also POLI SCI 333)
LEGAL ST 376 Animal Law (sec. 21)
LEGAL ST 376 Development of American Indian Law & Policy (sec. 30, HISTORY 300-0-34, HUM 370-4-30)
LEGAL ST 376 Gender-Based Violence, Power, & the Carceral State (sec. 22, also GNDR ST 332-0-21, SOCIOL 376-0-1)
LEGAL ST 380 Refugee Crises and Human Rights (also INTL ST 390-0-22, POLI SCI 380, previously LEGAL ST 376)
LEGAL ST 394-LK Lawyering: Education and Practice (sec. 20)
MENA 290-3 Islam, Gender,  &Minorities in Turkey & the Middle East (sec. 20, also ANTRHO 290-0-23)
MENA 390-3 Porous Borders? Geography, Power and Techniques (sec. 20, also ANTHRO 390-0-25)
MENA 390-3 US Media Representations of the Middle East (sec. 22, also AMER ST 310-0-22, ASIAN AM 303-0-2)
MENA 390-6 Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain (sec. 20, also ANTHRO 390-0-26, JWSH ST 390-0-3, SPANISH 397-0-2)
MMSS 211-3 Social Science Theories & Meth-First Yr (sec. 1)
PERF ST 330 Queer Resistance in Performance & Media (sec. 24, alsoRTVF 379-0-24)
PHIL 221 Gender, Politics, and Philosophy (sec. 20, also COMP LIT 205-0-1, GNDR ST 233-0-20)
PHIL 224 Philosophy, Race, and Racism
PHIL 262 Ethical Problems and Public Issues
PHIL 361 The Philosophy of Punishment (sec. 20, 21, 22)
PHIL 364 Business and Professional Ethics 
PHIL 210-3 History of Philosophy - Early Modern
PHIL 273-3 The Brady Scholars Program: The Good Society (sec. 20, 21)
PHIL 373-2 The Brady Scholars Program: The Civically Engaged Life (sec. 1)
POLI SCI 230 Introduction to Law in the Political Arena
POLI SCI 250 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLI SCI 303 Modernity and Its Discontents
POLI SCI 326 Race and Public Policy
POLI SCI 333 Constitutional Law II: Civil and Political Rights (LEGAL ST 333)
POLI SCI 341 International Political Economy
POLI SCI 345 National Security
POLI SCI 349 International Environmental Politics
POLI SCI 359 Politics of Africa
POLI SCI 369 Politics of Post-Soviet Russia
POLI SCI 380 Refugee Crises and Human Rights (also INTL ST 390-0-22, LEGAL ST 380)
POLI SCI 382 Politics of Religious Diversity (sec. 20, also RELIGION 379-0-20)
POLI SCI 390 Racial and Ethnic Politics (sec. 21)
POLI SCI 390 The Press & Presidential Elections (sec. 22)
POLI SCI 395 Action Research in Refugee Studies (sec. 25)
POLI SCI 395 Black Political Thought (sec. 20)
POLI SCI 395 Non-State Armed Groups (sec. 26)
POLI SCI 395 Wealth and Power in America (sec. 22)
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology
RELIGION  318 Buddhist Cultures and the Rhetoric of Violence (sec. 22, also ASIAN LC 290-0-20)
RELIGION  379 Politics of Religious Diversity (sec. 20, also POLI SCI 382-0-20)
RELIGION  386 Salvation & Racialization in Latin America (sec. 30, also HISTORY 300-0-30)
RTVF 379 Queer Resistance in Performance & Media (sec. 24, also PERF ST 330-0-24)
SESP 351 Magic, Monsters, and The Holocaust: Designing for… (sec. 22)
SESP 351 Race, Adolescence and School Discipline (sec. 20)
SLAVIC 390 Fall of the USSR and Rise of Russia (sec. 1, 2, also INTL ST 390-0-20, 21)
SLAVIC 210-3 Introduction to Russian Literature : Literature and Ethics (sec. 1)
SOC POL 304 Social Policy and the Human Services
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation
SOC POL 332 Economics of Education Policy
SOC POL 351 Women and Political Leadership (sec. 21)
SOC POL 351 Women and Political Leadership (sec. 21)
SOCIOL 110 Intro to Sociology
SOCIOL 227 Legal Studies Research Methods (also LEGAL ST 207)
SOCIOL 276 Guns in the United States (sec. 1)
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations
SOCIOL 306 Sociological Theory
SOCIOL 355 Medical Sociology 
SOCIOL 356 Sociology of Gender
SOCIOL 356 Sociology of Gender: Families, Communities, Markets, States (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 331-0-21)
SOCIOL 376 Gender-based violence, Power, and the Carceral State (sec. 1, also GNDR ST 332-0-21, LEGAL ST 376-0-22)
SOCIOL 392 Latin American Immigration to the US: Past, Present, Future (sec. 20)
SOCIOL 392 Sociology of Fear (sec. 21)
SPANISH 201 Conversation on Human Rights: Latin America
SPANISH 395 Three Latin American Avant-garde Battlegrounds: Technology, Geopolitics, Gender (sec. 3)
SPANISH 395 Trans*Cultures in Latin America (sec. 2)
SPANISH 397 Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain (sec. 2, also ANTHRO 390-0-26, JWSH ST 390-0-3, MENA 390-6-20)
SPANISH 397 Race Across Time in Latin America (sec. 3, also ANTHRO 390-0-23, LATIN AM 391-0-21)
STAT 210 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences
THEATRE 341 Theatre and Social Change: Acts of Critique in Black Performance (sec. 30)
THEATRE 344 Gender & Performance: Minoritarian Feminist Performance (sec. 20, 30)
THEATRE 375 Advanced Acting Topics: Arguing from the Heart (sec. 22, 32)
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Winter 2021 Electives

**To look up class meeting days and times please go to CAESAR**

Note that courses are subject to change. Last updated: 4/6/21

Department Course Number Course Title
AF AM ST 220 Civil Rights and Black Liberation
AF AM ST 380 Passing (sec. 20, also AMER ST 310-0-20)
AF AM ST 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (also HISTORY 212-2)
AMER ST 310 Bad News (sec. 10, also POLI SCI 390-0-26)
AMER ST 310 Passing (sec. 20, also AF AM ST 380-0-20)
AMER ST 310 Transnational Asian American Activism (sec. 30, also ASIAN AM 320-0-1)
ANTHRO 390 Global Im/Mobilities: Borders, Migration, and Citizenship (sec. 31, also SPANISH 397-0-2)
ANTHRO 390 Queer Criminality and Political Transgression (sec. 23, also GNDR ST 353-0-20, POLI SCI 390-0-23)
ANTHRO 390 Traveling While Muslim: Islam, Mobility, and Security After 9/11 (sec. 21, also HUM 370-3-21, MENA 301-2-21)
ART HIST 367 American Art: The Visual Language of Protest (sec. 1, also ENVR POL 390-0-28)
ART HIST 369 Feminist Utopias/Dystopias in Art, Film, and Literature (sec. 1, also ITALIAN 377-0-20)
ASIAN AM 203 Race and Nation in the US: Belonging, Longing, and Resistance (sec. 1, also MENA 290-3-20)
ASIAN AM 320 Transnational Asian American Activism (sec. 1, also AMER ST 310-0-30)
ASIAN AM 380 War, Gender, and Memory in Asian American Performance (sec. 1, also THEATRE 346-0-20)
ASIAN LC 300 Grassroots Revolt in China Today (sec. 22)
ASIAN LC 300 Religion and Politics in the PRC (sec. 23, also RELIGION 318-0-23)
ASIAN LC 300 Threat! Orientalism, Yellow Peril, and other Fantasies of a Dangerous China (sec. 20)
ASIAN LC 320 Art and Activism in Modern Japan (sec. 20, also COMP LIT 305-0-20)
ASIAN LC 370 South Asian Feminist Fictions (sec. 20, also COMP LIT 307-0-20)
CLASSICS 211 Greek History and Culture: From Homer to Alexander the Great 
CLASSICS 360 Origins of Greek Democracy
COG SCI 202 Evaluating Evidence (sec. 20, also POLI SCI 390-0-20)
COMM ST 392 Global Culture, Commerce and Communication (sec. 20)
COMM ST 395 Communication and Social Movements (sec. 20)
COMP LIT 202 Gender & Revolution in Soviet Russian Culture (sec. 1, also SLAVIC 211-2-1)
COMP LIT 305 Art and Activism in Modern Japan (sec. 20, also ASIAN LC 320-0-20)
COMP LIT 307 South Asian Feminist Fictions (sec. 20, also ASIAN LC 370-0-20)
COMP SCI 396 Computing, Ethics, and Society (sec. 3)
ECON 324 Western Economic History
ECON 342 Economics of Gender
ECON 350 Monopoly Competition and Public Policy
ENGLISH 371 American Novel: Faulkner, Race & Politics (sec. 20)
ENGLISH 385 LGBTQ Art and Activism in the United States (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 361-0-20)
ENVR POL 340 Global Environments & World History (sec. 1, also HISTORY 376-0-20)
ENVR POL 390 American Art: The Visual Language of Protest (sec. 28, also ART HIST 367-0-1)
ENVR POL 390 Climate Change Law and Policy (sec. 21) 
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics
GBL HLTH 325 History of Reproductive Health (sec. 1)
GEN MUS 175 Ownership, Copyright, and Forgery (sec. 1)
GERMAN 307 German Media: Political Extremism (sec. 1)
GERMAN 349 History of the Holocaust (also HISTORY 349)
GNDR ST 332 Gender, Sexuality, and Health: Health Activism (sec. 20)
GNDR ST 352 Feminist Theory, Biopolitics & the University
GNDR ST 353 Queer Criminality and Political Transgression (sec. 20, also ANTHRO 390-0-23, POLI SCI 390-0-23)
GNDR ST 361 LGBTQ Art and Activism in the United States (sec. 20, also ENGLISH 385-0-20)
GNDR ST 372 Musical Legacies of Black Feminism (sec. 20, also MUSICOL 355-0-1)
GNDR ST 382 Black Sexualities: Race, Gender, and Transgressive Bodies (sec. 20)
GNDR ST 390 Sexuality, Technoscience, and the Law (sec. 20, also LEGAL ST 390-0-21, SOCIOL 376-0-1)
HISTORY 200 The End of Citizenship (sec. 26)
HISTORY 218 Latina and Latino History
HISTORY 300 Europe in the Age of Total War (sec. 20)
HISTORY 305 American Immigration (combined with LEGAL ST 305)
HISTORY 349 History of the Holocaust (also GERMAN 349) 
HISTORY 376 Global Environments & World History (sec. 20, also ENVR POL 340-0-1)
HISTORY 392 Legacies of the Korean War (sec. 20)
HISTORY 392 Taiwan: Colonizations, Nationalisms, and Identities (sec. 28, also HISTORY 395-0-28)
HISTORY 393 Antisemitism (sec. 24)
HISTORY 393 Revolution, Dictatorship and Democracy in Eastern Europe (sec. 26)
HISTORY 395 Taiwan: Colonizations, Nationalisms, and Identities (sec. 28, also HISTORY 392-0-28)
HISTORY 395 The Problem of Poverty in Anglo-American Culture (sec. 30)
HISTORY 201-1 Europe in the Medieval and Early Modern World
HISTORY 210-2 History of the United States, Reconstruction to the Present
HISTORY 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (also AF AM ST 212-2)
HISTORY 250-2 Global History: The Modern World
HISTORY 271-3 History Of The Modern Middle East, 1789 To Present
HISTORY 322-2 Development of the Modern American City: 1870-Present
HISTORY 381-2 History of Modern China: 1911 to Present
HISTORY 385-2 History of Modern South Asia, ca. 1750-present
HUM 370-3 Traveling While Muslim: Islam, Mobility, and Security After 9/11 (sec. 21, also ANTHRO 390-0-21, MENA 301-2-21)
HUM 370-6 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 22, also LEGAL ST 376-0-20, RTVF 377-0-20)
IEMS 303 Statistics
IMC 305 Message Strategy and Persuasive Communications
IMC 306 Strategic Communications
IMC 310 Integrated Marketing and Communication Law, Policy and Ethics
INTL ST 390 Dilemmas of American Power (sec. 21, also JOUR 353-0-20)
INTL ST 395 Global Politics of Data (sec. 20)
INTL ST 395 Law, Empire, and the Creation (sec. 21)
ISEN 230 Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethical Dimensions 
ITALIAN 377 Feminist Utopias/Dystopias in Art, Film, and Literature (sec. 20, also ART HIST 369-0-1)
JOUR 301 Social Change and Urban Dynamics (sec. 23)
JOUR 301 The Pandemic and the Financial Health of Chicagoan (sec. 21)
JOUR 303 Framed: Media and the Marginal (sec. 20)
JOUR 352 Politics, Media, and the Republic
JOUR 353 Dilemmas of American Power (sec. 20, also INTL_ST 390-0-21)
JOUR 370 Media Law and Ethics
JOUR 390 Social Justice Investigations Primer (sec. 32)
LATINO 218 Latina & Latino History (sec. 1)
LATINO 392 Feminist Aesthetics of the Erotic (sec. 3)
LATINO 392 Latino Politics (sec. 1, also POLI SCI 334)
LATINO 393 Cultural Borders/Border Cultures (sec. 3, also SPANISH 364-0-1)
LATINO 395 Critical Readings in Latino Studies (sec. 1)
LEGAL ST 206 Law and Society (also  SOCIOL 206)
LEGAL ST 305 American Immigration (also HISTORY 305)
LEGAL ST 309 Political Theories of the Rule of Law (also POLI SCI 309)
LEGAL ST 332 Constitutional Law I (also POLI SCI 332)
LEGAL ST 350 Psychology and Law (also PSYCH 340)
LEGAL ST 376 Sexuality, Technoscience, and the Law (sec. 21, also GNDR_ST 390-0-20, SOCIOL 376-0-1)
LEGAL ST 376 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 20, also HUM 370-6-22, RTVF 377-0-20)
LEGAL ST 398-2 Advanced Research Seminar 2
LING 222 Language, Politics, & Identity (also SLAVIC 222)
LRN SCI 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also MS ED 402-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20)
MENA 290-3 Race and Nation in the US: Belonging, Longing, and Resistance (sec. 20, also ASIAN AM 203-0-1)
MENA 301-2 Traveling While Muslim: Islam, Mobility, and Security After 9/11 (sec. 21, also ANTHRO 390-0-21, HUM 370-3-21)
MS ED 402 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20)
MUSICOL 355 Musical Legacies of Black Feminism (sec. 1, also GNDR ST 372-0-20)
PHIL 110 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 220 Introduction to Critical Theory
PHIL 250 Elementary Logic II
PHIL 261 Introduction to Political Philosophy
PHIL 269 Bioethics
PHIL 318 Epistemic Injustice (sec. 20, 21)
PHIL 273-2 The Brady Scholars Program: The Moral Life
PHIL 373-2 The Civically Engaged Life (Brady Scholars)
POLI SCI 201 Intro to Political Theory
POLI SCI 220 American Government and Politics
POLI SCI 240 Intro to International Relations
POLI SCI 250 Intro to Comparative Politics
POLI SCI 302 Early Modern Political Thought
POLI SCI 309 Political Theories of the Rule of Law (also LEGAL ST 309)
POLI SCI 323 Public Opinion and Voting Behavior
POLI SCI 325 Congress and the Legislative Process
POLI SCI 332 Constitutional Law I (also LEGAL ST 332)
POLI SCI 334 Latino Politics (also LATINO 392-0-1)
POLI SCI 336 Immigration Politics and Policy
POLI SCI 347 Ethics in International Relations (sec. 20 and 21)
POLI SCI 351 Politics of the Middle East (sec. 20 and 21)
POLI SCI 362 Politics of Europe
POLI SCI 377 Drugs and Politics
POLI SCI 390 Bad News (sec. 26, also AMST 310-0-10)
POLI SCI 390 Evaluating Evidence (sec. 20 also COG SCI 202-0-20)
POLI SCI 390 Queer Criminality and Political Transgression (sec. 23, also ANTHRO 390-0-23, GNDR ST 353-0-20)
POLI SCI 395 Action Research in Refugee Studies (sec. 26)
POLI SCI 395 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (sec. 25)
POLI SCI 395 Policy Problems and Policy Reform (sec. 20)
PORT 396 #DignidadLiteraria: Contemporary Latinx Literature (sec. 1, also SPANISH 397-0-3)
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology
PSYCH 340 Psychology and Law (also LEGAL_ST 350)
RELIGION 318 Religion and Politics in the PRC (sec. 23, also ASIAN LC 300-0-23)
RELIGION 379 Science Fiction & Social Justice (sec. 23)
RTVF 314 History of Recording Industry (sec. 20, also SAI 400-0-20)
RTVF 322 Race, History, and the Biopic (sec. 21)
RTVF 360 Writing the Procedural (sec. 24)
RTVF 377 The Crime Centered Documentary (sec. 20, also HUM 370-6-22, LEGAL ST 376-0-20)
SAI 400 History of Recording Industry (sec. 20, also RTVF 314-0-20)
SESP 351 Race, Inequality, and the Political Analysis of Pu (sec. 20)
SLAVIC 222 Language, Politics, & Identity (also LING 222 - previously SLAVIC 255)
SLAVIC 211-2 Gender & Revolution in Soviet Russian Culture (sec. 1, also COMP LIT 202-0-1)
SLAVIC 211-2 Gender and Revolution in Soviet Russian Culture (sec. 1)
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation
SOC POL 331 Economics of Inequality and Discrimination
SOC POL 351 Economics of Health, Human Capital, and Happiness (sec. 21)
SOC POL 351 Intersectionality, Measurement and Public Policy (sec. 22)
SOCIOL 201 Social Inequality: Race, Class, and Power
SOCIOL 202 Social Problems
SOCIOL 206 Law & Society (also LEGAL ST 206)
SOCIOL 277 Introduction to Native American Studies
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations
SOCIOL 306 Sociological Theory
SOCIOL 330 Law, Markets, and Globalization
SOCIOL  376 Sexuality, Technoscience, and the Law (sec. 1, also GNDR_ST 390-0-20, LEGAL_ST 376-0-21)
SPANISH 201 Conversation on Human Rights: Latin America (sec. 20 and 21)
SPANISH 364 Cultural Borders/Border Cultures (sec. 1, also LATINO 393-0-3)
SPANISH 397 #DignidadLiteraria: Contemporary Latinx Literature (sec. 3, also PORT 396-0-1)
SPANISH 397 Global Im/Mobilities: Borders, Migration, and Citizenship (sec. 2, also ANTHRO 390-0-31)
STAT 210 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences
TEACH ED 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-20, MS ED 402-0-20)
THEATRE 346 War, Gender, and Memory in Asian American Performance (sec. 20, also ASIAN AM 380-0-1)
THEATRE 382 The Playwright and Civic Engagement (sec. 20)
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Fall 2020 Electives

**To look up class meeting days and times please go to CAESAR**

Note that courses are subject to change. Last updated: 4/14/21

Department Course Number Course Title
AF AM ST 215 Black Social & Political Life
AF AM ST 363 Racism in Western Modernity
AF AM ST 380 Black Feminist World Making (sec. 21)
AF AM ST 380 Black Protest Literature (sec. 23)
AF AM ST 380 The Viral Underclass: How Journalists Cover Outbreaks, Depict Humans as Viruses, and Make News Go Viral (sec. 22, also AMER ST 310-0-20, GNDR ST 390-0-23, JOUR 390-0-23)
AFST 390 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (sec. 20, also LEGAL ST 356, POLI SCI 356)
AMER ST 310 The Viral Underclass: How Journalists Cover Outbreaks, Depict Humans as Viruses, and Make News Go Viral (sec. 20, also AF AM ST 380-0-22, GNDR ST 390-0-23, JOUR 390-0-23)
ANTHRO 390 Contraceptive Technologies (sec. 22)
ANTHRO 390 Political Ecology (sec. 24, also ENVR POL 390-0-21)
ASIAN AM 210 Intro to Asian American Studies
ASIAN AM 360 Queer/Trans Ethnic Studies (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 382-0-20)
ASIAN AM 380 Fire & Ice: Performances of Citizenship (sec. 2, also PERF ST 330-0-22)
CIV ENV 303 Environmental Law and Policy
CLASSICS 340 Greek and Roman Drama (sec. 20, also Comp Lit 301-0-20)
COMM ST 205 Theories of Persuasion
COMM ST 310 Rhetoric, Democracy and Empire in Classical Athens
COMM ST 363 Bargaining and Negotiation
COMP LIT 301 Greek and Roman Drama (sec. 20, also Classics 340-0-20)
ECON 326 Economics of Developing Countries
ECON 339 Labor Economics
ECON 342 Economics of Gender (sec. 20 & 21)
ENVR POL 336 Climate Change, Policy, and Society (also SOCIOL 336)
ENVR POL 390 Native American Environmental Issues and the Media (sec. 27)
ENVR POL 390 Nature and Empire (sec. 26, also HISTORY 395-0-22)
ENVR POL 390 Political Ecology (sec. 21, also ANTHRO 390-0-24)
ENVR POL 390 U.S. Environmental Politics (sec. 22, also POLI SCI 329-0-20)
GBL HLTH 302 Global Bioethics
GBL HLTH 324 Volunteerism & Ethics of Help (sec. 1)
GBL HLTH 325 History of Reproductive Health
GNDR ST 220 Sexual Subjects: Introduction to Sexuality Studies
GNDR ST 230 Traditions in Feminist Thought (previously "Roots of Feminism")
GNDR ST 331 Political Sociology (sec. 20, also POLI SCI 390-0-20, SOCIOL 309-0-1)
GNDR ST 331 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
GNDR ST 380 Black Feminist Theory: Black Feminisms, World-Making, and Radical Futures (sec. 20)
GNDR ST 381 Queer Theory
GNDR ST 382 Queer/Trans Ethnic Studies (sec. 20, also ASIAN AM 360-0-20)
GNDR ST 390 The Viral Underclass: How Journalists Cover Outbreaks, Depict Humans as Viruses, and Make News Go Viral (sec. 23, also AF AM ST 380-0-22, AMER ST 310-0-20, JOUR 390-0-23)
HISTORY 200 The 2020 Election in Historical Perspective (sec. 24)
HISTORY 300 British Colonial Roots of American Racial Thought (sec. 30)
HISTORY 300 Comparative Genocide (sec. 22)
HISTORY 314 The Civil War and Reconstruction
HISTORY 393 Oral History and Archives of Terror in Latin America (sec. 20)
HISTORY 395 Nature and Empire (sec. 22, also ENVR POL 390-0-26)
HISTORY 201-2 Europe in the Modern World (previously "European Civilization: Mid-18th C to Present")
HISTORY 210-1 History of the United States, Precolonial to the Civil War
HISTORY 315-3 The United States Since 1900: Late 20th Century to the Present
HISTORY 356-2 History of South Africa: '20th Century South Africa: Racial Capitalism, Apartheid, and Resistance'
HISTORY 381-1 History of Modern China: Late Imperial China, 1600-1911
HISTORY 393-3 Approaches to History: Migrations in the Mediterranean (sec. 24, also HUM 370-4-23)
HUM 370-4 Special Topics in Humanities: Migrations in the Mediterranean (sec. 23, also HISTORY 393-0-24)
IEMS 303 Statistics
IMC 306 Strategic Communications
IMC 310 Integrated Marketing and Communication Law, Policy and Ethics
INTL ST 390 Controlling the Russian Narrative, Stalin to Putin (sec. 22, also SLAVIC 390-0-1)
INTL ST 395 Global Politics of Data (sec. 20)
JOUR 301 Documentary Scrabble: Chicago Edition (sec. 20)
JOUR 301 Politics, Protests, Pandemic & the Presisdential Election (sec. 23, also JOUR 390-0-27)
JOUR 367 Native American Environmental Issues and the Media (sec. 20)
JOUR 370 Media Law & Ethics (sec. 20 & 21)
JOUR 390 Politics, Protests, Pandemic & the Presisdential Election (sec. 27, also JOUR 301-0-23)
JOUR 390 The Viral Underclass: How Journalists Cover Outbreaks, Depict Humans as Viruses, and Make News Go Viral (sec. 23, also AF AM ST 380-0-22, AMER ST 310-0-20, GNDR ST 390-0-23)
JWSH ST 280-5 Topics in Israel Studies: Zionism and Its Critics (sec. 1)
LEGAL ST 206 Law and Society (also SOCIOL 206)
LEGAL ST 276 Corporation in US Law and Culture (sec. 20)
LEGAL ST 330 U.S. Refugee Policy & Localities (also POLI SCI 330)
LEGAL ST 356 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (also AFST 390-0-20, POLI SCI 356)
LEGAL ST 398-1 Adv Research Seminar 1
LRN SCI 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also MS ED 402-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20)
MS ED 402 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-20, TEACH ED 302-0-20)
PERF ST 330 Fire & Ice: Performances of Citizenship (sec. 22, also ASIAN AM 380-0-2)
PHIL 150 Elementary Logic I
PHIL 262 Ethical Problems and Public Issues
PHIL 390 Philosophy of Law (sec. 20 & 21)
PHIL 210-1 History of Philosophy-Ancient
POLI SCI 201 Intro to Political Theory
POLI SCI 220 American Government and Politics
POLI SCI 240 Intro to International Relations
POLI SCI 301 Classical Political Theory
POLI SCI 307 Deportation Law and Politics
POLI SCI 327 African American Politics
POLI SCI 329 U.S. Environmental Politics (sec. 20, also ENVR POL 390-0-22)
POLI SCI 330 U.S. Refugee Policy & Localities (also LEGAL ST 330)
POLI SCI 341 International Political Economy
POLI SCI 344 U.S. Foreign Policy
POLI SCI 354 Politics of Southeast Asia
POLI SCI 356 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (also AFST 390-0-20, LEGAL ST 356)
POLI SCI 368 Political Economy of Development
POLI SCI 376 Civil Wars 
POLI SCI 383 War and Change in International Politics
POLI SCI 390 Political Sociology (sec. 20, also GNDR ST 331-0-20, SOCIOL 309-0-1)
POLI SCI 395 How International Institutions Influence State Policy (sec. 25 & 27)
POLI SCI 395 Racial Politics in American Cities (sec. 21)
PSYCH 201 Statistical Methods in Psychology
PSYCH 348 Psychology of Gender (previously PSYCH 339; cannot receive credit for both)
RELIGION 339 Gender and Sexuality in Judaism (sec. 20)
SESP 351 Civic Engagement and the Election (sec. 22)
SESP 351 Computing, Ethics and Society (sec. 21)
SLAVIC 390 Controlling the Russian Narrative, Stalin to Putin (sec. 1, also INTL ST 390-0-22)
SOC POL 312 Social Policymaking and Implementation
SOC POL 351 Social Opportunity and Educational Policy (sec. 20)
SOCIOL 110 Intro to Sociology
SOCIOL 206 Law and Society (also LEGAL ST 206)
SOCIOL 208 Race and Society
SOCIOL 215 Economy and Society
SOCIOL 216 Gender and Society
SOCIOL 302 Sociology of Organizations
SOCIOL 309 Political Sociology (sec. 1, also POLI SCI 390-0-20, GNDR ST 331-0-20)
SOCIOL 310 Sociology of the Family
SOCIOL 324 Global Capitalism
SOCIOL 336 Climate Change, Policy, and Society (also ENVR POL 336)
SOCIOL 376 Empires (sec. 21)
SPANISH 201 Conversation on Human Rights: Latin America (sec. 20)
STAT 210 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences
STAT 370 Human Rights Statistics
TEACH ED 302 Social Contexts of Education (sec. 20, also LRN SCI 302-0-20, MS ED 402-0-20)
THEATRE 340 Studies in Gender and Performance: Queer Performance (sec. 21)
THEATRE 341 Theatre and Social Change: Theatre and Revolution (sec. 20 & 21)
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